Cleaning up the Driveway

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Looking west, not yet weedwacked

Our driveway has not had work done on it in many years. We had the use of a York rake for a long time, but it was returned to the owner some years back. My husband’s shoulders are arthritic so cutting branches over his head didn’t happen. As a result the driveway has massive potholes and branches down to the top of the pickup.

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My husband and his new toy…

We were able to buy a gas polesaw this month and we also still have a helper from when my husband’s knees were injured. So we got the 2 of them together, with the pickup (sort of running for the job…) and they managed to get the 1st half of the driveway’s branches cut and hauled to the burn pile last week.

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Looking east, branches not trimmed yet

This is Part 1 of the driveway renovation project. The trees had to be cut way up and back so large dump trucks of gravel could get down to start filling the worst of the pot holes.

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Trimming spruce

We have 2 spruce trees in the yard. Both have been dying for several years now. This one was our living Christmas tree in 1982 and 1983 before being planted here. We put lights on it for many years until it got too big. But now it and the other one must come down as it is ¾ dead.

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The poor spruce

Most of the green on the spruce is vines that have grown up into it.

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Looking west, weedwacking done

The lower brush had to be cut back to the property line on the left and weedwacking done so as to not scratch up the trucks going in and out.

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Looking east, weedwacking done

My son did the weedwacking and cutting back of the lower story. He went all the way to the barn, doing that.

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Limbs not cut on section to barn

Our helper was going to be away for 2 weeks. We are hoping to finish this section of the driveway when he returns in early October.

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That looks like a big job! Good thing hubby got a new toy to make it easier. What kind did y'all get and how did you like it?

It's a Craftsman 10" polesaw, gas powered. It had an extension. It seemed to work really well. Lot better than a handsaw on a pole! Still wiped him out to do the section he did, with help. But it would never have happened if had to be done by hand.

He did say it was really loud, worse than his other power tools, even with hearing protectors.

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