The making natural paint series (part 2) - Lime white wash

in #homesteading6 years ago (edited)

white wash.jpg

I start the series with a easy to make paint that is still commonly used. It's enviromental, waterbased, breathing, cheap, mold resistive and fire resistant. There also drawbacks and they are that it gets easily dirty and that when you haven chosen for white wash you can't go back. Be aware that this is a white wash and not a thick paint. If you want to cover a ugly brick wall than use 20 times more lime. Experiment with it!

How to use it

It's very suitable for moist places, chicken coops, barns, farms and to create a certain style in house. The paint is suitable for good or bad brick walls it doesn't matter. You can't use it on regular paint, drywall, asbestos plating.

On interior wood/walls you first need a special primer otherwise it isn't durable. Now you say but I know allot of people that used it on furniture etc. This is most likely a commercial white wash paint based on latex. Latex isn't a bad toxin but we are trying to avoid poisons so let's ignore that option. If latex is what you want go to method 2.

How to paint

Make the wall clean. No dust, mold, sand, loose concrete bits etc. Spray the wall a bit wet with a spray bottle. If the wall is perfectly white and smooth than we only need to use one layer of paint. Use a paintbrush this gives the rustic uneven look that people want with white wash. A roller doesn't work great because the surface is often very rough. Let the paint dry that even the thickest parts of paint are dry and then do the second layer.
Use gloves and eye protection the paint is caustic when wet! A great website that goes the extra mile is here.


for 4 liters paint.

  • 125 grams hydrated lime (builders lime)
  • cup of salt
  • Drill mixer
  • 4 liter water
  • Pigment (optional)
  • 10 liter bucket

The biggest tip I can give is make one batch. It's quite hard to get the same color and thickness in 2 batches. So calculate very royal how much you need and make it once. You can store the paint it won't go bad fast.

Pigment options

Not everyone wants white many like broken white or earthen colors. So I include a list of pigment options for this paint.

  • A cup of coffee
  • Dissolved clay in the 4 liters of water
  • Beet juice
  • Juiced fresh grass

The first part of this series is here:
The making of natural paint

GoGreenBuddy_Logo update.png


Any paint suggestions for part 3?
(I also search for some help with a Heroku voting bot. I installed it but it doesn't vote for some reason)

I am searching Google for anything I can add. As soon as I find I'll let you know. This is free from toxic elements and is cheap we can use this at a lot of places.

Dear, You can write your next episode (part-3) about the soil paints. this is my own suggetion.

I will check it out!

I wish you'll write about clay paint or erthen paint on your next blog.

I will check it out I played with that stuff once.

That's so simple and looking at the ingredients it seems economical. Will try this soon and let you know.

Thanks it very cheap to make.

I have not gone through the first part so I'll go through it too.

You described how to paint a wall.Thank you so much for your post.

No problem!

I dont understand "No problem!".

Means happy to do.

hey,,,i like your post altime

very nice! waiting for your next series

I have seen lime used on cob construction, I hadn't considered for brick, thank you.

It's great on brick or concrete especially if you got mold problems.

god job. you again write about environment awarness blog,like natural can write on your next blog about natural plaster like clay plaster, earthen plaster. they are very environment friendly and very easy to use. i am waiting your next bolg about it. i wish, you'll write about this on your next blog. @gogreenbuddy I resteemed your blog, cause everyone should know how easy to make and cheap to use natural paint.and awar from toxic paint.

Thanks I think plaster could be also a good topic.

thanks for, thinking about my suggetion.

Thank you for the recipe. I am definitely going to try this. Doesn't sound that bad at all to make

It helps against fleas/mold on chickens barns. I guess it's also helpful for other livestock

wall paint

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