On the road again

in #homesteading5 years ago

Yesterday was a little exhausting, but good in the end. The large herd got a job, which is wonderful. They had run out of stuff to eat and needed to be moved somewhere. It's much better when they're on a job rather than just parked.


I went out the day before and clipped a path through the blackberries so I could get the fence in. The whole area is so large that I have to carve out little chunks at a time. It's hard to tell in this picture, but the fence goes straight down a steep hill.


Here's what it looks like after one day on the job. I have a lot of clipping ahead of me!


It's still been hot and very humid, so yesterday's task was more difficult than usual. I was very happy to have the goats set up in a spot where they can eat happily for weeks, but I was more than ready to relax when we were done. My friend and ex-business partner helped me move the trailer, since I need a spotter when backing up the big trailer, so we hung out at her house for a while after we were done and decompressed. There may have been wine involved.


We saw a hummingbird buzzing around the crocosmia, and I managed to get a few pictures, but they're more silhouette than anything.




I had to stop one the way home and grab a couple of cloud photos.



Today I moved the fence for the smaller group, which was also a sweaty task, but hours shorter than yesterday's. The little guys keep managing to escape since they have run out of food and are bored. Yesterday when I went to feed them I found them all in the barn, contentedly munching on the hay I just put in there. Today two of them were out. They have enough to get them through a couple of days, though, and that will give me time to start clipping the next path for the big group. It always feels good to get everybody set and know they will be okay for a few days. More often, it turns out that I am bouncing from one feeding crisis to another.


I wish I could say that tomorrow will be quiet and relaxing, but that is not the case. My friend and her husband are leaving for two and a half weeks on a canoe journey with his tribe, and we are babysitting the two puppies they adopted from us. That means we will have six dogs for the next little while, along with all the usual chaos, so there will be very little relaxing, I fear.


Have a good night, everyone! I will be sleeping well!



You tire me out just reading this. I'm grateful that I'm sat up in bed having a drink of coffee! Love the hummingbirds and I see two puppers have returned home 😊.

Sitting in bed drinking coffee sounds so very relaxing! The two puppies are the ones we kept. The other two arrived about an hour ago. I might have to fly over and have coffee with you just to get a break!

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I will put the kettle on!

So if all the goats escape they will eat everything in the pacific northwest? Haha...

Great hummingbird shots : ) :)

The will polish off everything in the northwest and then make their way down to you!

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The march of the goats! ; )

As fast as they eat, they should be there by September. I'll follow them and meet you on the beach!

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Maybe i can learn to ride a horse and just head north... sheesh, can you imagine? People just used to be able to that. I think we got screwed on that deal somehow

Haha! I think we got screwed too! It would take a very long time on horseback, though. That's a lot of miles!

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I just read something in the paper this morning about a cowgirl who rode on horseback from San Francisco to the east coast. Took her ten months. She was the first woman to do it. This was in 1911!

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That must have been quite a journey! I know i could never do it but i just ...

I'm pretty sure I couldn't do it either! It's a nice thought though...

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It's been very hot and humid here too. It truly is exhausting working outside in it.
Fantastic photo capture of the hummingbirds...🤗.. I do so love watching them. They are amazing. I wish I had their energy.
So nice to enjoy a glass of wine with a friend...🍷.
The crocosmia is most beautiful. I'm not familiar with that flower. I shall have to look it up.🤗

Oh! The goats did a very good job!
You’d better accumulate extra energy fir the extra work!

I'm working on it!

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Hi @goat-girlz the view from that hill looks nice widely surrounding it and with the clouds. Is that almost evening time? As i see a little sunset burst on the sky?

It was pretty late in the day. Thanks for stopping by!

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You captured some lovely photos of the clouds.
I hope the goats appreciate all you do for them. Nice to see how you look after them. It will be a busy household with the extra dogs. Rest well, my dear. 😊

Thank you! I hope they appreciate the work too, but I think they see me as their employee!

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Awww! Puppies! I don't suppose they help out much, since they're more interested in playing and chewing on stuff. Good luck!

They're no help at all! I'm actually wondering how much of the house is going to survive!

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That is a real mission to keep finding them fencing of feeding grounds for them who said raising goats was easy....lol :)

Hahahaha! The only people who say raising goats is easy are the ones who have never tried it!

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My nephew has goats in Sydney , Australia and i am glad it's you doing it i will give that one a miss...lol :)

That's pretty funny! They're not that bad!

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