A Beautiful Sunday

in #homesteading5 years ago

It's been a little warm the last couple of days, making everybody a bit lazier than usual, including me. I have to go check on both the goat herds every day, though, so even if I am feeling lazy I have to do at least that. I moved the little trailer a couple of days ago, because the goats had run out of stuff to eat and kept jumping the fence or something, because I would show up to visit them and they would be wandering around loose. They're pretty well set now.


They actually have some blackberries to work on right now, instead of just grass and weeds, and they're pretty excited about it. There's a fallen tree under this wad of canes, and I meant to clip it down last year but never got around to it. I wanted to free it so the homeowner could haul the tree out and get rid of it.


The larger group of goats is running short on groceries, so I spent an hour clipping blackberry canes and pulling them down so they could reach the good stuff. They are parked in a farm graveyard right now, and the berries climb on all the dead farm equipment. It's like a rusty treasure hunt, because until the berries come off, it's impossible to tell what's even there. I have found some truly interesting artifacts under blackberries over the years!


The animals at home are feeling a little lazy too. This mother hen was letting her chicks have a nap until I walked out the door and the dogs got all worked up. Check out the little ghost chick on the right side.

My home goats had a quiet afternoon. They do a lot of napping in between bouts of eating everything they can reach. George takes more breaks than the rest of them because he's only got three legs and getting around is much harder for him, especially on hills.


Sweet Pea and Bambi were having an uncharacteristically chummy moment. They get along, but don't usually hang out like this. It was pretty cute.


Since the smaller brush herd was doing fine in the snacks department, I let them graze while I took pictures of bitter cucumber. This is a perennial vine that grows prolifically all over around here, but since it dies back to the ground in the fall, it doesn't seem to do much damage. It puts out these little tendrils that look like telephone cords (for those of you old enough to remember telephone cords).


I think they're really beautiful, and they look almost sentient, the way they grab onto things.


Every slinky I ever had as a kid ended up looking like this, and that was if I was lucky.


Something about the precision of the coils is what attracts me to these. Somehow they look more perfect than it seems like they should.


This last one is especially cool because there is a tiny spider web in the center. I didn't see a spider, but it must be a very small one!


I'll end this kind of rambling post with a photo of the sky as seen through the river. The clouds have really been putting on a show the last few days.


I guess I'll throw in a clematis, since they're going crazy right now and are so very beautiful.


Happy Sunday to all!


A beautiful post! I always love seeing your animals and those tendrils are fascinating! They do look like a telephone cord! Remember how much time we used to spend attached to the wall! My clematis are blooming now too.
Remember to go claim your Pal Tokens!

Thank you! I am so happy that we are not attached to the wall anymore, but I spend way more time on my phone these days because it does everything!

I got signed up with Pal but I haven't posted from it yet because I keep forgetting! Thanks for the reminder. I'm looking forward to sending you random shadow pictures this summer!

Posted using Partiko Android

I seldom use my phone for talking, but I am on mine constantly, too!

Have you powered up your Pal? Just keep posting the way you always do, only use the #palnet tag. You do not have to post from there! I go to Palnet.io to check my wallet and and power up.

That's good to know! I thought I had to post directly from there for it to work. It's a good thing there are much smarter people than me who can explain things to me! Otherwise I would just float away into space!

Posted using Partiko Android

You can earn Partiko points, PAL and Steem all on the same post. Triple ways to earn! It's a good thing!

I dreamed I was a goat once. I had a bell round my neck and ate everything in sight. Wasn't my best dream ever, but wasn't the worst. 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

That's pretty awesome, I have to say! I wouldn't mind being a goat!

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Good climbers...

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Oh my goodness those cuddling goats are adorable! They look like poodles with their delicately hanging ears and sedate looks on their faces.

My kids have a slinky with that one rung in the middle all out of wack and it drives me nuts! I want the damn thing to go back the way it was! Why are those things so annoying! I should have written this all in caps to really go with my exclamation marks! Oh well, I'm not going to backspace! Instead I'm just going to add another one! Or two!!

Oh you are my kinda girl if you get your kicks from ghost chicks and tendrilly slinkys!!! Sounds like a beautiful day.

Posted using Partiko Android

It was a beautiful day! I'm glad you saw the ghost. That never fails to amuse me but I've never caught it on camera before.

Posted using Partiko Android

The hen looks very well fed. It needs some exercise. :-)

Ha ha! She only looks fat because her feathers are fluffed up so her babies can stay warm under them. They always look huge when they're sitting on chicks.

Posted using Partiko Android

Lovely pictures. The reflection of the sky is interesting. Perennial vines are interesting too.

What a lovely and slow Sunday! The goats are taking it easy, that hen us very cuddly. That deep purple flower is very striking! Nice green garden!

Very nice shots! I would love to take photos of rusty farm equipment. That sounds like great camera fodder. That last coil photo looks a little like a dream catcher. Wonder what kind of tiny spider woiuld have pulled that off...

Thank you! Those were really fun to shoot. I wish I could have seen the tiny spider. Clearly not the same kind as yours!

Posted using Partiko Android

A smaller spider sounds good about now! lol

😍 Beautiful post....!!!!! Flowers and critters....🤗..!!!. Awesome close up shots of the bitter cucumber vine. I soo wish I had success with clematis. I visit it at my friend's house and her roses..

I will just think of you when I look at mine and maybe between the two of us yours will grow!

Posted using Partiko Android

This set of photographs is great, especially the chicken with little chicks, in these modern times is a rare scene, at least here and is beautiful to see, the flower at the end is also great.

Thank you! The hen with the chicks is not so rare at my house. I get several batches of them every year. They are so cute!

Posted using Partiko Android

True :) very cute

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