
Well thank you for such kind words. I just love eating the fruit of my failures :)

you never ate joy that was one of your failures, wait do you eat dog?

And mice, especially since all the places he has lived in have had mice.

We are still eating the fruit of last year's failures as well :)

Like i said he has very low standards, should have done a land survey before buying a burnt out desert.
Even grass has a job to grow, many trees are dead or dying, the place is a dump.
Whovever named it Jackass Acres got it right!

At last he admits the garden is a failure.
Thats a first!

All his gardens for the past 5 years have been failures, he kills them as fast as he kills chickens from neglect

As I said, I love eating the fruits of my "failures" and if this is a failure then success will be so good we will have to hire help to process it all.

Yes we are well aware of how much you love your fruits

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