
So we eat chickens, and are off the grid. We make our own things.

You got a problem with that?

Just go away then.

But harassing my family in the real world like you guys do is criminal.

And no - wait - before you go all innocent on me denying it all, here is a link of threats and harassment taken from here on the block chain:

Go ahead everyone - read some of the threats and actions they are taking against my family in the real world.

I believe it is YOU that is being held accountable.
When you say "against my family" it is only because YOU placed them in this situation by your actions.

Nobody is threatening them, nor you.
Your just an irresponsible drama queen playing the victim card.

Oh there you go with your innocent act again.

Here are some of the REAL LIFE THREATS against my family:

All right here on the block chain.

You guys think you are untouchable.

You guys think you can get away with this forever.

You hurt my family like you are planning to and lets see how things go.

I am looking for legal help now harder than ever.

You are sitting behind a computer with a fake name.

Most people will not touch the case.

One day I will find help.

What does a log in name have to do with your problem??
It's a requirement to create an account, just like all the other sites.
You should know that.

YOU have one too!
The DIY fake as fraud can get!

You are hiding behind a fake name to harass my family.

Your friends are trying to set me up for crimes I did not commit.

Your friends are trying to get our baby taken away.

Your friends are trying to get my wife kicked out of the country.

Again, you putting blame on a log-in name is ridiculous.

Look at it this way, most criminals don't know the name of the arresting officer (same for a drug detective, those sometimes get redacted) until they receive the criminal complaint in writing from the district attorney's office, prior to court.
Not much different here, really.

And stop with the "your friends" BS.
Like that matters.

BTW, Melanie's baby will be just fine if not Better if the authorities remove the child due to YOUR irresponsibilities.
Your business contract spouse probably won't be going anywhere, she has an anchor baby.

Stop with all the childish theatrics.

Thank you for openly showing the World your true thoughts about trying to break up a family

No pictures and no video proof, so what you have there is NO PROOF

You - especially - are harassing me openly right here!!!!

All the proof is being gathered up in one neat place on the link I am sharing.

I am simply sharing videos of our lives on the homestead.

I am on my own blog site.

You are here harassing me and trying to destroy our family.


This is not your own blog site your own blog site is empty

I'm sharing my knowledge with IRS and IMMIGRATION

Let us know when they show up...

Now Turd claims he owns Steemit?

What an asshat....

Look at me play with my toys while my daughter sleeps in a Rubbermaid tub and my family takes a shower out of 5 gal bucket as I add to chicken killing field.
Reid please tell me these were not depicted on your video

Why are you copy and pasting comments?

I already said - so what?

We are off the grid and we improvise.

But YOU are HARASSING me family in the real world

Reid Go ahead and tell everyone that what I put in my video review was not depicted in your video's. Be a man

Besides anything you ever say is twisted lies. You always use clips of my videos taken out of context.

You be a man. Grow up.

Get out of your moms basement.

Get a life.

Then maybe you wont look like this anymore

A REAL man would not be harassing a family like you do.

A real man would not be abusing his family by being an unemployed Ebeggar

You have failed at everthing you do, you are still 95% or higher on-grid because you spend all your time on here. You have no solar, no log burner and no future.
Now you have gone one further, you have failed on Steemit, you thought all your supporter's would follow you, but where are they, not one out of all the thousands of fake subs are here to support you.
No one wants to see you anymore, they go to your movie set to see Ming and Baby Ming, Felix and Baby Cat.
The rest go to watch you fall it's imminent.
Your not wanted on here, go away!

Oh. Oh. Oh. The hurt. NOT.

Just go away. Get a life.

You are making yourself look ridiculous.

We show our daily lives on our nearly fully off the grid homestead.

We have solar panels which anyone can see. What a laugh that you deny that.

And that you even deny that we have a wood stove? How insane.

You are showing how crazy you truly are.

I do not have any idea of any video review nor do I care at all to see it.

If you post your video here I will block it.

I have no interest in anything you say except for use as evidence in court.

Reid says I have no interest in telling the truth.

Got that right. WoW! You got something right.

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