
Steel... oh... thats an easy one too. In most instances... you just need another sheet... overlapping in a better fashion. Sometimes back to the ridge vent/cap to stop water from getting under. Another fix I've had to do... is rivet and lexel(silicone thats the most adhesive and gosh darn it can be messy) a piece on the inside and outside of the roof... its a quick fix... in a pinch.

thanks for the tips :)

Words are easy.., climbing onto a metal roof to make repait’s not as much fun...

lol magnetic shoes??? haha...

Yeah... looks like you got a Barn style roof too... I have a bad back... from some yard workers dropping a door on me when they delivered to my job.

i broke my back in 6 places in Army incident.

I don’t know... they X Rayed... years later said my back is so messed up they need an mri... which I can’t afford.

the VA takes care of me fortunately...

So roofing isn’t the easiest anymore.

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