Chicken Popsicles?

in #homesteading7 years ago

No! They are not made of chicken, they are made FOR your chickens.

Minus the sticks of course – image source

Chickens pant just like dogs

Spring is not far away, and the heat will be rising. If you have been raising chickens for any length of time, you know they can overheat and die from heat stroke. Their bodies are so much smaller, when the heat gets too high, they will die from heat stroke or heat exhaustion long before we would.

Chicken Popsicles can be made from any fruit or veggie that you would normally feed to chickens. For those new to raising chickens, I strongly advise you to do some research before tossing in just any fruit or veggie. There are some that are not good for chickens.

Popsicle Rules on What to Include!

  1. Make sure everything you include it edible by chickens – If in doubt, don’t use it
  2. Purée or Sliced. The choice is yours.
  3. If using sliced fruits & veggies, toss them into a bag and toss it into the freezer.
  4. If Pureeing them, toss them into a food processor and liquify. Then pour into ice cube trays and freeze.

That’s it! When the heat goes up, especially if they start acting funny, Toss some Chicken Popsicles into their water to cool them off and given them a nice treat!

Note: Thank my brother for this post. I don't have chickens but her does. He's going to try to remember to take some photos next time he makes a batch.

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