What would Farm and Adventure Do with $50 SBD?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

I had barely read the contest question and I knew exactly what I would do. It's been a long, dry summer here in my part of Florida. Worse I've seen as an adult whose starting to get "long in the tooth".

I drove around the farm the other day to check the ponds' water levels and, to my horror, this is what I saw...


WE NEED WATER CATCHMENT. End of story. It's a project I've been trying to get to for months now and something always comes up! But water is the NUMBER ONE resource that we humans, our livestock, and our crops can't do without. I'd like to make a starter water-saving system either out of several barrels or one big square holding tank (the kind that comes in a wire cage). I know a guy who sometimes gets them and they are very clean. Perhaps $50 plus some farm fresh meat or veggies will get us that!


Thanks to @clarkfarmstead for the heads-up about the contest. Contest here:






Good luck on both the contest and getting the catchment system in place!

Thank you! We sure do need it, unfortunately.

Looking forward to reading everyone's posts. Really speaks volumes to what everyones needs are...

Thanks! Prayin for rain too!

It's been long dry summer in this part of Florida too.

We need a storm to just sit over Florida and rain gently for a few days. Apparently, we are in for some 'canes too.

I agree we do need a gentle rain the hard heavy rain just runs off and doesn't soak in . I have been watching to see about canes too.

Yes, water is life, and it beats all other priorities. Best wishes for the catchment system!

Thanks! Hope they announce the winner soon..the kids are driving me nuts asking Lol

Hahaha, I know! I feel like a kid myself, can't wait to know.

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