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RE: Your Chickens NEED Grit [DIY Dispenser]

in #homesteading7 years ago

We had free ranging chickens that had access to a small-fine gravel pile. Ever so often you would see them pecking the pile. We never added any other grit and they thrived!!!
DE in their food occassionally, but thats a different thing.
You've got my Follow!! #THL
✌ Peace


Mine use a surprising amount of grit. I still think it doesn't hurt to provide spare, just in case! Haha I know I don't have small rocks around my soil tho for sure! Thanks for the follow!!

Sadly we are inside the city now and have no chickens. We may try to do quail incognito later, but too much changing still right now!!

Oh yeah! Definitely possible! I have three bobwhites! I didn't know and they whistle just like humans!! People would never know! lol freaks me and my dog out thinking there's someone on the property! Lol

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