Chopping Wood Therapy

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)

It's the end of the day, we work with the sun and moon time, out here. I find it exhausting to go by the clock that used to run my life.
It is actually intrusive and brings a certain level of anxiety when it creeps in.


This year I miscalculated my wood usage. Living in the bush, off grid, allows me to forage for standing dead. The physical excersice is good. Being outdoors amongst the wisdom keepers, the whispering pines, the silence of mother earth, the Ravens, spiritually feeds me.

When I chop, split and stack wood, takes me to a place of thoughts, releasing, helps me navigate through my mind. Very meditative.

Today's thoughts were about this past month. So much going on in my life. Feeling things were out of my control, chaotic, anxiety, fear, so many thoughts, feelings to process. Things are finally clearing off my plate. Even the pups are in amazing homes. Thankful for friends, family, networks that helped me along the way.

Today I feel good. Feeding mind, body, and spirit. It was zero degrees, and sunny. Weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

I hope that everyone can take the time to connect with the healthy rythyms of mother earth. Find the space that feeds mind, body and spirit.

Much love to all!


i too find that foraging for wood is most relaxing - all the hustle and rush just drops away - not a care in the world - then i spy a big log and get excited again - LOL -

You're everywhere. lol ... g-friend @realtreebivvy

You so get it! Lol!!
I love it!

I live near a small city (pop. 55,000), but have found a relatively secluded place with a large sage covered field behind my house and a direct path up to the mountains behind. I'd go nuts if I didn't have at least this. I've been yearning now for years to make the great escape into the wilderness. Almost made it last year. Perhaps soon. Funny, I was thinking just this morning how I love to split wood by hand. Such good exercise too. Each day I go out for a long romp with the dogs for about 4 miles. For me it's essential. Hope all your being-human challenges resolve. Curious though: you must be in Canada, or perhaps Alaska. Can you share the state and how long you've been off grid?

55,000!!! That's a metropolis!! ;)
I live in northern ontario, canada. I am going on my fifth year living completely off grid. The nearest town has 1,200 people. Lol
What neck of the woods are you in?
How exciting that you almost made it off grid! To have such a great space to escape to, in the mountains. The energy must be amazing! I love the willows and the beavers! Dogs are such great motivators!
Thank you for your well wishes. Navigating through life in a meat suit, the best that I can!
Have a fabulous evening!

Wow! That's what I call "testicular fortitude"! I live in less harsh environs. Western Nevada. I have my five kids and 4 foster sons all within 40 miles. Thats what keeps me here. However, I'm thinking they, and I, would be better served if I lived out in the outback. I'm looking at some remote locations in Nevada and at Surprise Valley in the very north east corner of California. Frankly, I'm hoping this enterprise on steemit may fund my escape.

That's a beautiful part of the globe! The name alone "Surprise Valley" says it all!
How wonderful to have family around you! I have grown children and an eight year old. It would have been nice to do this sooner, but very grateful for what we have here now.
How nice it would be to have this journey on steemit fund freedom off grid!

An eight year old. Perhaps you home school? And your child does he/she find nature as enlivening as you?

Yes, indeed, Surprise Valley is a surprise. To the east the desert of Nevada is essentially uninhabited. The Valley itself is a 50-mile-long verdant oasis bordered to the west by a small mountain range. It truly is virtually unknown and hidden. The main town has perhaps 1,200 people.

We unschool homeschool. :) She is a true blessing in my life. She is an amazing teacher. Absolutely connected.
Surprise valley sounds like a fabulous place to call home! It's amazing what we have in our back yards.

A refreshing post! I am so happy to read your words. So glad that you are feeling good and that you got some release. I hope this continues as the more you release, the more the space is filled with happiness and joyous thoughts and better memories are created. And with that your happiness becomes contagious ^_^ much love and respect xx.

Hopefully after this release, i will be able to move in the morning!! Lol
Thank you for the reminder of happiness and joy! i miss you!

Ya you are a tough one so I have no doubt for mobility lol. I miss you too! A visit is overdue!xxx

The making of firewood was the frame upon which Familytime was woven while raising my boys.

It's my favorite job on the homestead. A busy body frees the mind and soul.

No clocks here either, such a lovely way to live.

I need to add that your name @earthmother brings song to my heart. A year or two ago a dear friend wrote me a song and if Earthmother isn't the title it's at least strongly in the chorus. I will try to get a clip to share... It feels uplifting!

You so get it!!! Nature beings the perfect balance when we allow. Ungrip and let go!
I would love to hear a clip, looking forward to it!

Hello @earthmother

Guess the beauty of the nature over there is keeping you radiant.

Today I feel good. Feeding mind, body, and spirit. It was zero degrees, and sunny. Weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Kindly take out time to enjoy the moment and forget about the stress of the previous days.

Wonderful to see you @funkylove!! Thank you for your sound advice and well wishes!

Glad to hear that you're de-stressing. And not so... distressed.. ;)

Thank you! You are a great sounding board my friend!


You are very brave Earthmother. Even though my home is partially off grid. I purchase wood from a man who brings it in a truck. I also have men around who chop and lug the wood. I actually just make soup. xx

I think you are a very wise soup maker!!! Lol
Truth be told, i would rather chop wood than do dishes some days!!
I do admit... being single out here is sometimes overwhelming. Thankfully i do have a few people that help when i am really stuck. :)

well I am so glad you do. I would find it a little tough at times the way you do it. Partially off grid after 59 years in the city is good for me at the moment. Although I would like all off grid but not too remote. There are several homes in this area where we live that are completely off grid, most are partially like us but we all have neightbours in very close range. Like I said I make soup. :))

You right, nature is the Best place to recharge your battery, i like how You describe your feelings

Thank you. It has taken alot of work, to work through things in my life. I share in hopes of it resonating with at least one person. :) helping someone to feel supported in their journey :)

It help me thank you

You're welcome!

It was zero degrees,

I like to read and watch your topics because they are simple and enjoyable... but sometimes I'm surprised when you talk about the temperature.... hehe
so great my friend @earthmother

Thank you my friend!! Love to see your comments!!

Make sure my dear sister that after the hardship always pleased. The obstacles and problems of life is only a strengthening of personality and build it.
I know that you have a strong and wonderful personality and your passing reflects it.
I wish you that your life will always be easy and beautiful. I will always support you and I will stay as well. Thank you dear @earthmother for sharing with us your wonderful life.

Thank you! Easy and beautiful usually comes after hard and messy. :) always changing, always transformation.

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