
yes and they are just velociraptors! they have livd on this planet for tens of millions of years

chickens are super ancient! i guss we all are lol its silly to call one animal a living fossil as if its more ancent than anything else

what is intresting is to think if your parents take longer top have you, could some people be moe evolved than others? Like hear me out:

some people have kids earlir, and so lets say one generation in oene village waits untill theyre in their 30s every generation to have kids, the other village has kids when they turn 15, so after 100 years, one village is already twice as evolved! over thousands or tens of thousands of years, certain peopel end up having kids faster, some sloewer, so wont some peopel end up more evolved than others? or does it average out?

Like if some family just has a tradition of having kids at an earlier age, like right at puberty, to create as much genetic diversity as fast as possible, wont that allow that family to not only grow faster but adapter quicker? or has human civilization stopped natural selkection??? I dount it, i think women still choose the striongest men or what they perceive as the striongest high status men, and the dominance hierrhcy is a tool for natural selection etc, so i thnk were still evolving somehow, to adapt to our industrial world for sure!

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