
Oh, chickens have a way of communicating, didn't you know?

Our birds have 24 hour access to healthy NatureWise food, plus garden scraps and they get to range in the yard every day for bugs and vegetation.

Yes, they are quite happy.

You know, a starving chicken wont feed us very well. So we keep our birds well fed and happy.

Thank you for your comments.

Have a nice night :)

A chicken has an IQ of less than 10 so now I understand why you can communicate with them so easily. What you are confusing for communication is excitement of possibly being fed and watered. Your cruel chicken death toll is evidence.

Oh, I kill them quite fast really. One chop and its over.

true, since his mail order bride came there have been fewer chicken deaths from neglect and starvation

Yeah, since there never was any before.

But interesting none have been slaughtered anymore by people vandalizing the property.

Michigan has been a bit quieter.

would those chickens be the ones in the video on liveleak
which has been saved to show the lies about it

How many times were you dropped on your head as an infant?

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