Garlic Uses and Benefits

in #homesteading7 years ago

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Greek Olympians ate it before competing. Roman warriors ate it before battle. Egyptian pyramid builders lived on bread and garlic while constructing this massive building. In WW2 there are many accounts of the use of garlic, as a paste, when supplies of penicillin were gone. Today it is regarded as a SUPER FOOD. It is also a unique flavoring herb in many cultures. Garlic has the potential to be the most useful herb around. Lets take a look at this amazing herb and find out what it has tucked away in it's bulbs.


Garlic is a member of the onion family growing from bulbs, where a single clove of a bulb can be replanted to produce an entirely new bulb. The plant is a winter hardy part shade loving plant. There are two types of garlic, hard neck (for colder climates) and soft neck (for warmer climates), to grow worldwide. Currently China is the largest producer of garlic in the world. If you decide to plant garlic, please use heirloom varieties due to the chemicals used on most commercial garlic.

It can be easily planted throughout your garden since it has a relatively shallow root system and can be grown symbiotically with many other vegetable varieties. Garlic does not take up a lot of room and will flourish if separated from other garlic plants. Rotate the plant's position throughout your garden every year for maximum soil benefit and to avoid possible routine growing area disease.


Garlic can be a bit invasive unless you trim the flowers. The plant will seed itself and become a crop rather quickly. It can be held at by through area containment and harvesting. If the flower is cut before the seed matures, it will start to go into a regrowth period sucking extra nutrients from the soil and in about 3weeks will start sucking excess from the root to produce, the plant should be harvested then. This will ensure the best flavor and concentration of compounds.

Garlic can be used when cooking, for minor cuts and scrapes, for major cuts and scrapes, as an antibiotic, as an immune booster, as an anti-fungal, as an antimicrobial, as an antibacterial,


Sulfur compounds (act as a natural pesticide).
Oligosaccharides are prebiotics that are secreted in the colon by garlic.
Arginine-rich proteins are primarly helpful in RNA splicing.
Selenium, Allicin, Flavonoids are considered a prevention for cancer, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular disease.
Manganese, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Selenium, Fiber, Calcium, Copper, Potassium, Phosphorus, Iron and Vitamin B1.

Wild garlic is also extremely beneficial, in fact, the Association for the Protection and Research on European Medicinal Plants says that:

Allium ursinum has more substances than Allium sativum
Allium ursinum has active substances not found in Allium sativum
it is odourless


The following are some of the direct health benefits of garlic:
Treats and prevents sickness and the common cold.
Reduces blood pressure.
Improves cholesterol levels in the blood which reduces heart disease.
Used a preventative for Alzheimer's and dementia.
Increases life expectancy.
Performance enhancing.
Detoxifies heavy metals from the body.
Improves bone health.
Reduced lung cancer rates.
Brain cancer treatment.
Treats and prevents osteoarthritis.
Garlic is used as a fairly powerful antibiotic.
Used as a treatment and cure for prostate and colon cancer.
Helps improve the damage to the liver caused by heavy drinking.
Helps prevent premature delivery.

The benefits above have all been substantiated by scientific studies. The power of garlic is unmatched, scientifically. I use garlic regularly as an addition to my insect spray to fight squash bugs. The garlic plant itself wards off all bugs, there are no known enemies of the growing garlic plant. Therefore by planting it throughout the garden, you will keep the bug populations down throughout the rows.

The beautiful part about planting it throughout is that you can harvest the following grow season, depending on when you plant, and during that time, your surrounding soil is quite protected.


Dr. Deva Khalsa, a popular alternative veterinarian has stated:

Garlic is a miracle herb!

Garlic (Allium sativum) has been valued for thousands of years for medicinal purposes.

...reported adverse affects from garlic add up to a total non-event over the past 22 years… This proves beyond the >shadow of a doubt that the risk of using garlic is so infinitesimally low that it’s simply statistically insignificant. What
is significant is all the positive research delineating the medicinal powers of garlic.

a natural antibioitic

it’s antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial effects can contribute to the healing process.

Garlic increases general immune activity

Uncooked garlic helps to lower blood triglycerides and cholesterol making it useful for certain breeds (Schnauzers >and Beagles) that are predisposed to this problem.

Compounds in garlic act as antioxidants and help flush toxins out.

garlic has been fed to dogs in order to help prevent flea infestation.

A host of studies provide evidence that the allicin in garlic works to inhibit cancer formation.

Well please up-vote and follow if you like my content. I will continue to post similar articles on plants, homegrown foods, gardening and homesteading ideas. Again thanks for dropping in. Remember that this is not medical advice nor do I prescribe anything to anyone. This post is for educational purposes only. Your body is your temple, treat it well. Have a great garden!

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The first time I ever had wild garlic I thought it tasted like the garlic we used in Thailand at a cooking class. Delicious, a little stronger and spicier.


i am still confused about the wild garlic (I think) I found. It smalls like garlic! but it looks like wild onion, with very small cloves. It tares apart like young garlic. I am fairly sure it has been established there for at least a couple of years since the area i large and there are so many clusters. The other thing that is onion like is that it grows in bunches.

That sounds exactly like what I had. We were walking a property and the owner picked a couple handfuls handed it to us and told us it was wild garlic. You're right it seemed more onion-like but it pealed just like the young garlic and it was tiny!

I think it was @goldenoakfarm that said maybe it was garlic chives! But after a bit of research, nope, not it. I found this about the garlic chives:

Its scientific name of Allium tuberosum is indicative of its oniony roots and falls >among the family Liliaceae. Unlike onions or other types of garlic, however, the >fibrous bulb is not edible but is grown rather for its flowers and stems. It is easy to >differentiate between onion chives and garlic chives. Garlic chives have a flat,
grass-like leaf, not a hollow one as do onion chives. They grow between 12 to 15 >inches tall.

Read more at Gardening Know How: Care Of Garlic Chives – How To Grow Wild Garlic >Chives Plants

The leaves are flat, but the bulb is quite edible, in fact, I am not sure how many I will have left by the time the summer rolls around, lol. Also, i have seen pictures of it with white/green bulbs, Not this one, it has white bulbs with tiny cloves weird! Well I will enjoy it whatever it is! :herb: :)

Haha yes enjoy. I did enjoy our garlic whatever it was. Thanks for the info, I will check that site very soon. It sounds like it could be full of good things!

Steem on!

Finally got to the article, I like this here

Plant your garlic chives among carrots, grapes, roses and tomatoes. They will supposedly deter pests such as Japanese beetles, black spot on roses, scab on apples, and mildew on cucurbits.

Ya know, I’ve never grown garlic, but I plan to start this year. My Gram has always grown enough to keep me in garlic for the whole year. But the companion planting benefits are outstanding, and I’m planning some hard core companion planting this year. With just a hand full of incompatible plant neighbors, I wouldn’t mind too much if it did get invasive! We eat it with every single savory thing we eat. We could never have too much. I knew it was medicinal, but I had no idea it covered so many ailments. I’m going to have to look more into it. I heart medicinal herbs!

Me too! Wait till I start with the medicinal herb garden! It is about to blow up. I will take a ton of pictures!

I don't have to worry about my garlic reseeding. I grow hardneck and use every single scape to make garlic scape pesto.

I read in a book (that I didn't note down the title of) on properties of foods that garlic "Must be sliced, pressed, or chewed to release compounds. Pressing releases most compounds. They are destroyed by heat if not held from it for at least 10 mins after releasing."

I know that when I eat a few teaspoons of the pesto when I'm not feeling well (cold, flu, infection, etc.) I seem to improve pretty quickly. So I make a LOT and freeze it and use it medicinally through the year.

Garlic scape pesto crop June 2016.jpg

Yes the Allicin becomes active once chewed or crushed. Garlic is a root you want to eat right away. In fact, the best way to use garlic medicinally is by chewing it and swallowing it fresh. Medicinally, 1-2 cloves a day general health. O MY GOSH!!!!! I LOVE PESTO!!!!! Great thing about pesto, if it is made right, is that you dont need much to make things taste awesome.

Mine never gets put into anything, I just eat it out of the jar. :)

That garlic scape pesto looks delicious...!

Awesome I love garlic. How are the numerous benefits that you mentioned best obstines? Raw garlic? Cooked? Etc.

The benefits above have all been substantiated by scientific studies.

Could you either describe how to use garlic to obtain the benefits listed or provide your Sources so we can do our own research?


Garlic benefits start working for me once I start chewing it. Crushing, chewing or chopping garlic activates the Allicin which most of these benefits are coming from. I, myself, chew up two cloves of garlic per day, if I think I need antibiotics. 9 out of 10 times I get relief immediately. I chew up a clove twice to three times a day with food and done. Yes, I have to deal with the bad breath, but there is mint and cilantro and other stuff for that, in fact, the body odor and bad breath associated with the garlic, I am guessing, according to the health benefits of turnips, could be alleviated, turnips control bad breath and body odor.

Though the gov can not outright say that is it such a medical miracle, they do have to acknowledge it.,, There are many many many sites that will give you white paper information of the benefits and uses of garlic, If I have forgot any, please point out, I think this is the medically proven list, I might have three or four more reiterating.

thanks !!!

after reading through some of those i began to wonder if the garlic i ate last night had anything to do with me feeling better.... a few days ago i started feeling the onset of a cold brewing. and last night made a poor man's guacamole with a lot of raw garlic, some raw mushrooms, olive oil, lime, salt - just by chance cuz i was hungry. i woke up this morning feeling like i was over the symptom hill, maybe it's just a coincidence...

I doubt it, that it is just a coincidence. Garlic and mushrooms are sooooo healing. Me, i would continue to eat the garlic at every meal for a couple of days. I would follow it with a holy basil tea.

What’s a holy basil tea? Whole leaf? Lol

I have to check if I brought any basil indoors this winter.

It is an herb in the basil family that is from India. My Holy Basil post . No way I can explain the flavor, its so good. I save seeds for the following year, and Thai Basil as well.

Saw your comment on another post but thought this would be more useful here. I'm wondering if this photo of my garlic chives flowers helps with ID at all?

Big garden - garlic chive flowers crop Sept. 2017.jpg

There's the strap like leaves and the flowers.

I will be waiting to see what the flowers look like. Beautiful though!

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