Family - A Rare Family Event

in #homesteading6 years ago

In our family it is difficult to get all my siblings together in one place at one time. We have been spread over the entire United States, literally representing all 3 coasts at this point. The Texas Gulf Coast is often called the Third Coast... just in case you didn't know.

This week we have the privilege to be all in the same room at the same time. Wow, I think it has been 15 years since that has happened.

We have come together to be with my dad. He is a great man facing some tough times. It can be depressing to think too much about those challenges, but I choose to celebrate the blessings of life and family.

Together with my brothers I hardly get a word in edgewise LOL, but I'll take it... just smiling and listening.


Thank you for sharing this time with me!

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Looks like a lot of fun especially after 15 years of all of you being together.
Enjoy your family visit.
What a blessing.

I'm sorry about your dad.
I enjoy this post with all the siblings,
but... just one pic, number four?

So glad you can all come together even if it is every 15 yrs.

Wonderful and emotional reunion even in difficult times, memories, family jokes, children's games resurface at this time and even heal misunderstandings are clarified doubts and lengthen the ties in the distance. Good omens, even if they are difficult times. I love your optimism is what keeps you strong and as a base of your family, they come to you because you are the support of many. Blessings for you and your beautiful family.

Maravillosa y emotiva reuniòn aunque sea en momentos dificiles, los recuerdos, los chistes familiares, los juegos infantiles resurgen en estos momentos y hasta se sanan malos entendidos se aclaran dudas y se alargan los lazos en la distancia. Buenos augurios aunque sean tiempos dificiles. Me encanta tu optimismo es lo que te mantiene fuerte y como base de tu familia, acuden a ti por que eres soporte de muchos. Bendiciones para ti y tu hermosa familia.

Desde Venezuela saludos.

Hola amigo. La familia es lo más grande que podemos tener en esta vida. Compartir con ellos renueva nuestras fuerzas para seguir luchando en la vida. La familia es nuestra identidad, nuestras raíces, nuestros valores, son todo. Felicitaciones por compartir y tener una familia linda.

Family comes first; she is our support through thick and thin.

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