Bakkie With Limited Loading Capacity!

Hey everyone, aint life a funny old thing? In South Africa we have a saying 'N Boer Maak n plan' A (afrikaans) Farmer makes a plan. I added to that. An Englishman makes it work.. Hehe, a little cheeky and ambiguous but funny all the same. The Saffers will get it.


So what do we have here? My two wheel 'bakkie' with limited loading capacity of course!!



This country really is so scenic and there is no way on a country outing like that I don't stop and take some epic countrywide pics, this one taken next to a local mielie (corn) field!



Currently I am sitting without a car, but am lucky enough to have this epic little scooter which I use for everything including loading eggs. This was my first attempt at this drove around 50kms home and with great success, risky but it worked and better still not 1 broken egg!


My local commute on a scooter really is convenient, fun and very cost effective, this I would however not recommend be tried at home folks, they say necessity is the mother of invention and here I certainly made a plan!


When I left home it was 100% sunny, about 20 minutes in, this, which was most unpleasant, after loading the eggs and on the way back full sun and very pleasant again! Check that 'misty' video out here:


Home James, safe and sound and mission successfully accomplished. Next adventure when? Not sure but I shall certainly keep you all in the loop!


Love and light. I trust you all have an incredible weekend and be blessed.

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