So... I AM the crazy neighbor after all...

Have you ever done something and thought " gee, that was a DUMB thing to do..." I had one of those moments just a few hours ago.

I was out and about tending to my farm chores. It's winter up here in Minisnowta and we have a bit of that white powdery crap that falls from the sky. It's everywhere again this year. And in copious amounts as compared to a usual year. To the tune of a few feet already, with a LOT more on the way. Actually, it's a blizzard out there right now. I'm not kidding, our whole state is under an event-threat. But anywhoo, I'm out there, setting up my critters and I hear a snowmobile come tearing by the green house. And it stops. I poke my head out and see the sled and it's driver is parked/stalled right at the crest of a snow bank --and ON one of my fruit trees!!! GAHHHHHH!!!!! BLEEPING BLEEP BLEEEP BLEEEP!!!!!!

I lost my cool. Which is saying a lot because it's already so daggum cold out here -I mean, the water in the sky is frozen -hello???!!! But ya. I verbally ream the guy out. He's parked up on that snow bank, and I'm scalling it like a mountain goat -screaming the whole while at the poor guy. He's in the wrong, and I know it. And I am letting him have it.


He made a few very honest points about why he was driving the sled where he was. And I quickly rebuffed him. He gets off the sled... and then I recognized who it was. My neighbor, from the corner just down the driveway. Now, this guy stands like 6 foot something. He's not super-hero size, but I'm only ... eh... 5 foot 6ish or so. And he has the high ground, and a running machine that outweighs me by a few times. Not to mention, if he goosed the throttle he could literally run me right over as I climb the snow bank to keep shouting at him. Vrrrrooooom-squish; no more noisy guy yelling at the sled driver. heh.

But that is not how it went down. Nope. Something else, less running-me-over-violent in fact. There was a second occupant on the sled. A wee small fry who was barely big enough to fit the safety helmet his dad stuffed on him. My neighbor was taking his 3 year old son for a ride when his sled reached out and hugged my fruit tree. He hit the breaks to avoid running the tree down. He was trying to get his sled away from the tree when I popped my head out and started my tirade...

So now I've made it to the top of the snow bank. And the lil kiddo is bawling his eyes out in a frightened panic at my approach. But I'm still screaming at the driver. The kiddo stands up on the seat of the machine and yells "don't hurt my daddy!!"

Lemme tell ya... that killed the argument RIGHT THERE. Done. Over. # Idon'twannebethebadguy. Volume level from insane-shouting, down to "hey, let's be neighborly and respectful now." So my neighbor and I chill out and actually start chit chating with each other. He's sorry about the tree (the tree IS fine, not damaged) and I help him get the sled pulled away from it safely. We get down to a civil request from me to keep machine traffic on the driveway, not the yard/garden/field/ etc. I told him I'm sorry for being an Ogre and we make a first handshake-opology to each other. His son has calmed down and reaches to shake hands too.

"You're a dick" says the little boy.

That hit me lick a sack of bricks. - KABlammy! Nuked from orbit. Gut check!

Uhm... yeah... I guess... I... am. I ruined a good father and son outing... scared a small kid.... greatly disturbed his dad... Ya. I'm a dick. Bad me. BAD. No, really. my self dignity just died a horrible death right then and there. Scaring an innocent little kid, and raising hell with my neighbors -that is sooooo not the rep I want to carry. I'm usually the nice guy. The quiet and refrained, level headed one.

Ya... not this afternoon. Today I earned my dickhead badge. Yay me...... the crazy stooge. What a miserable honor. Blaahhh!

His dad tried to scold the kiddo for the comment, but I interrupted him " nah, your son is right. I handled this all sooo wrong. I'm sorry neighbor. There's better ways of doing things, and I blew this one right off the bat. We actually got a bit of a laugh out of it.

Go lil man go, stand up for yourself and your dad. I think I woulda been mighty proud of my kid if the roles were flipped.

HIs dad and I talked for bit more about a few random things. I mentioned I needed to get back to chores and he asked me what I was feeding. It led to me giving them a tour of the rabbits and some chat about the plans for the farm and other stuff. Actual, civil, neighbor to neighbor conversation. Turns out he wants to get his son a rabbit. If he can come up with a cage, I think that is cool idea. I certainly have a few to choose from.

Really, that whole scenario could have gone so much differently. Good, or far worse. I'm still not sure why I flipped my lid. It's so unlike me. And the guy could have just solved the whole problem by literally running me over. It could have easily been one of those odd news stories ya read about and go "WhatTheBLEEP??!!!" I wished I had kept my cool right at the start. That guy doesn't get a lot of time with his son. And I honestly respect him for making all that effort to give his kid a good father-son memory. I woulda LOVED for my dad to take me out for a fun ride like that. (it never happened for me...) He only has the kiddo once in a while, and I out right popped that ballon of fun for both of them.

When they left my yard we were all settled down and neighborly again. But the whole thing has left a hole in my chest, and a sourness in my stomach. Regret, at my behavior and temper. I hope they have a better end to their day. They have certainly earned it.


I think we all have these moments when we forget that people are real and we fly off the handle before we remember that three is probably a reasonable explanation and no harm was intended. Kudos to you for accepting your mistake and apologising, though. Some people struggle to admit they made the mistake.

I just love how you told this story, very entertaining. I'm off to round up some curators and will be back with the @homesteaderscoop account to. I really need to share this! 😆

Enjoyed the read, thank you for sharing, yes something to learn about many things, but all was okay in the end, and you made 2 new friends. 😁👍

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