Staking the Foundation - Homestead Update

I know that we haven't been posting and visiting other Steemians as much as we would like lately. We have been busy with our little ones and working on our house build. Getting the build organised and permits in order has definitely been more challenging then we thought.


If you were wondering where we are at with the homestead, hopefully these pictures will be a good update. The area to be dug for the foundation was staked and ready to go last weekend, but due to some rain our excavator was delayed. It looks like this weekend it will get done though.

No DirtWe even marked where we didn't want the excavator to pile dirt

MoundA view of the yard standing on a large pile of black dirt we saved to spread after construction was complete.

Wish us luck! I feel that things will progress quickly for at least awhile once we break ground.

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oh that is awesome! You will have it done before you know it! well.... Hopefully before the winter sets it!

Big congratz! We are city stuck, but one of my kids may be the first to re-homestead and work their own acreage! We fully support them!

Thx for the post!

Thanks, it is coming along finally! How old is your "kid" that wants to homestead?

He is an adult in my book, but still two years before he finishes High School.

That's cool. Glad that there are some younger people interested in it still.

I could not help but notice how all those tire tracks make a big heart shape. Whether intentional or not it looks pretty cool!

I didn't notice it until you pointed it out but yeah that is cool!

It makes for a great 'foundation'! :)

Just a little left to go, almost there, LOL! But it is good to see you making moves toward the land! I salute you, Weather will become less of an issue, when it is closed in!

Keep posting, and Be safe! :)

That is what we are pushing for. Getting it closed in as soon as possible.

Smart, when do you expect weather up your way? Are you going to get it closed in by the time it arrives? I am pulling for you, but sadly I am not close enough to come help, SMH!


Good Luck! So good to know progress is happening! Great update! All the best to you @canadianrenegade 🎉❤🎈

It's exciting building a home!. We've built our own, by ourselves, twice. The original 16' x 18' side and an 20' x 24' addition.

It's been 27 years since we built and we've heard here in the US the process is far more complicated now.

That is really cool. The first part of your house would by today's standards be considered a tiny house!

I thought tiny houses were much smaller. Ours was 1.5 story, so came to 648 sq. ft with the pantry annex.

I would say anything under 400 sqft would for sure be considered a "tiny house". I guess with an upper floor added on maybe it wouldn't be considered "tiny" but it is definitely "small".

Yup, tall and small. It was called the "doghouse" by locals, until we added on....

Your work is great. I think the work is still incomplete.

Yes, definitely not complete!

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