Renegade's Home Build vlog #7 - More Rain and Roof Underlayment

If at first you don't succeed, try again. Due to the relentless rain, I had to make two trips out to the homestead to get the roof underlayment installed. Even though it was a major pain to carry the material down the muddy driveway by hand and then work on a wet roof, getting the house water tight for the winter was critical. I still need to get the metal roof on but at least the interior of the house won't continue to get soaked while I wait for the metal to be delivered.

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Wow, you're making progress. We watched your video and Dad said it looks like great dirt for growing food.

Your place is beautiful. If we had that much space to run we probably are outside all the time, even in snow!

I'm hoping to spend a lot of time outside, it should be a good property for growing food and having fun! Thanks for watching!

Glad to see you got the Ice and water shield on. Hopefully this will dry out the sheeting, is there any concern about the wet decking?

By decking do you mean the subfloor or the roof sheathing? Both should dry out fine now. The subfloor might be a bit rough and require extra sanding but strength wise it should be fine.

I was kind of wondering if the roof would trap the moisture under the ice and water shield?
It will dry out eventually :)

The moisture can dry through the underside even though it will take longer. I've seen a lot worse water exposure then what my house has had.

I agree, it will dry I just hate to cover anything wet. I don't think we have a choice up here in the Northern part of the world especially this time of year. :) It will be a very nice build!

it is interesting to watch @canadianrenegade, is that more expensive if you build your house from concrete cement?, or that will be difficult to get the material in your area?

We actually have a concrete basement also but I have only shown it in one video I think. Here in Canada concrete is more expensive to build with than the cost of wood and the labor to assemble it.

Here in my country side, it is more expensive to contract house from the wood, and the labor cost also higher for assemble the wooden house. since it is getting rare to get expert labor to do it.

It is interesting the differences from country to country. We have a lot of forests here and also we have to use very strong concrete because of the freezing and thawing. Our houses also have to be insulated well from the cold which is more expensive to do with concrete.

The reason why the price for wood is more expensive is because there is no cultivated forest in Aceh, the wood is from Illegal logging. the price is to do some "black" deal. For the concrete one, we have cement factory in Aceh and easy to find the material, and no need to insulate from cold. I think that makes many different in the prices.

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