in #homesteading6 years ago

Goshna Dad Visit 049.JPG

I was away for 2 weeks. My goats sulked. When I returned my husband told me that my girls refused to "talk" to him. I went marching into the field to give them a piece of my mind. Before I could call them, my goaties came galloping over (Bet you didn't know that goats can gallop!) If they could've purred to better express their happiness they would've! Not even our dogs gave me such a warm welcome.


There are so many reasons why I love goats. Their loveable yet mischievous nature is just one endearing characteristic. They have as diverse and unique personalites as children do. Some are extremely needy, others very naughty. You get the obnoxious and independent and then there are the loveable - to humans while intolerant of other goats. The domesticated Capra (goat) come in different shapes and purposes. There are pygmy and dwarf. Then you get the woolly variety as opposed to dairy. The indigenous boerbok and apple goat are very popular in the meat industry but are far more difficult to tame. My lovely white Swiss Saanen goats are reputably the most gentle pets.

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The nutritional value of goats milk are endless. Goats milk soap has both healing and nourishing properties. I love making it. Bathing with goats milk soap is a real pamper. Don't get me started on goats milk cheeses...

For me, homesteading and goats are inseparable . I cannot imagine life without by precious goats.

Goshna Baling and Lazer 160.JPG


oh my gosh @buckaroo this is a beautiful post with those fun goats and the wonderful scenery, just super nice thank you!
So you guys have the goats for mostly milk, cheese and to keep the property or weeds maintained? and of course as pets I guess, I had no idea that goats could be so affectionate like a dog or something.

Goats are AMAZING. My husband told me that if I continued to grow my "pet" goat family then I better make them work for their keep!! And my Goshna goat business was born. Most of my customers are babies whose moms can't breastfeed. We don't really keep the goats for weeds as our semi-desert countryside has more rocks than anything else! Any green you see is either hardy thorn trees or a lot of hard work

how interesting! so you are able to turn this passion into a business? if it's a business the business model isn't clear to me.
semi-arid desert, you guys have a water well?

Family run business. Although I was forced to sell most of my about 60 goats. I only have my 6 pregnant girls now. Which is enough for home use and then to keep my natural skin care business functioning. Yes a bore hole although with the drought it's starting to suck air

oh ok you have a natural skin care business with products made from goat milk? so ya'll are totally entrepreneurs then, love it!

but what does this sentence mean sorry I don't understand it:
"Yes a bore hole although with the drought it's starting to suck air"
thanks @buckaroo!

Bore hole is what we call the deep water wells which a massive drill bores. Ours is over 100m deep. But we still have a water crisis because we've had a drought here for nearly 4 years now

oh I see. so even though you have a deep well the water table is getting lower?
are you guys praying for rain? I guess that sounds funny but I'm not trying to be, it's too serious.

Sometimes the entire country hold prayer meetings. But as I mentioned to you before we have become a pagan country practicing all manner of wickedness. The Almighty calls us to repent first and then He will send the rain. There are very few repenting. Just demanding rain. People continue in their rebellion, shake their fists at Heaven and make demands but they don't read the Word.

Oh those spoiled little goats! They miss you cause no one can take care of them like you.

Our dog is the same way.If I leave without her, she pouts. Then gives me the cold shoulder... but eventually she makes nice with me.

No denying it @goldendawne. They are spoiled. My husband sometimes says they get more attention than he does!

So beautiful to see how connected you are to them. Some really stunning shots captured of you and the love that you share with them. I haven't ever heard of goats milk soap, that really does sound interesting.

Thanks. And yes. I love my goats. They are incredible creatures. I'll write about goats milk soap sometime. It's particularly good for people with skin issues.

That's why I'm interested. In this cold weather I get eczema and my husband has psoriasis. Need as much moisturiser as we can get.

If you want I can email you my pricelist? I post around the country. We used to do monthly deliveries to Cape Town but not anymore ([email protected])

These photos are so beautiful. What beautiful land you have! Beautiful livestock too! Those goats look friendly! @ironshield

Thank you. Yes. More than friendly. Some are downright cheeky! It is beautiful. It often reminds me of Israel.

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