Remembering the fall on a winter day!

in #homesteading7 years ago

Here on the homestead we don't like anything to go to waste, including leaves. We have a large number of trees on the property which provide an abundance of leaf litter for us.
In the fall we use this to top off the garden, mixing into our compost and, in the chicken run to keep mud levels down and provide a rich abundance of bugs and nutrients for our birds.

It's late in the fall, and the grass is still green from the mild weather and the recent rain, but its starting to get a bit muddy in the chicken yard. Seeing all the fallen maple and ash leaves, we decided to do what we could to spice up the bare soil and give the girls something to scratch in. We have already spread many of the leaves over the vegetable gardens but there is never a shortage around here. After laying out a big tarp, we raked as many leaves as we thought we could carry, and headed up the hill. This is our third trip today, and there are still a lot left on the ground to overwinter.

The girls knew they were in for a treat.

Candy is always beside us with her ball, hoping we will give her a few tosses. She will have to wait.

Getting the leaves through the gate is a tight squeeze.

There are likely some bugs and a few greens in the leaf pile...but not for long. The leaves also help to keep their feet clean.

This is one of the last of the garden pumpkins. It will be gone by tomorrow morning.

Soon the outside water bucket will be a block of ice, but for now, they still enjoy a cold drink.

After all that work, could there be a red strawberry under those leaves? Yup....The last one of the season. A little sour, but still good.


Look at those big old trees.. Wow! You have a beautiful place there. Your own lil' slice of heaven. Very nice!

It is a little slice of Heaven here, thanks man!

Our chickens free range, so we dont have a run to maintain, but I used raked up leaves for bedding in the coop. I find it actually works much better than wood shavings or other bedding materials, and best of all, its FREE!
Can't beat that!

We free ranged them for a while, but they started spending way to much time pooping all over our decks as they wanted to be where we're at all times, so we fenced in a run that gives them about a 1/2 acre of playroom!

Good deal! Yes, we have a lot of poop on our porch and it is gross. We have plans to either fence off part of the yard for them, or fence up our porch so they can't get on, because they're nasty!

Let us know how it goes!

Poor Candy! So much work to do and no time to stop and toss a ball. But she is definitely persistent. I think I counted 5 times that she dropped her ball with great expectations, only to pick it up and try again.

She's got you fooled Brother....she gets to play so much that she's limping by evening. Maybe we'll do a video of her wearing her Super-Dog Cape jumping in the air to secure the ball with her gentle grip!
Followed by a video of her limping to bed....

I would love to see the first video. But I think the second would be too sad to watch. And yes, I am a sucker for a playful dog.

I'll try to put a video together of Candy doing Candy!

Friend brimax have a farm is the maximum everything is native I love what they do with the leaves hahahahahahaha you see that they enjoy it in Venezuela dry leaves are recycled

Thank you!

To you for your good music and for showing us your farm

greetings friend, I really liked the video because it is very important to recycle, because we can use things that we think are not useful and instead of throwing them we reuse them, here in my country they also recycle the leaves, take the leaves, then paint them and they use them as decorations for houses. very important your publication. successes

Many thanks

You're welcome, I love your posts

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