Snowblowing Our Way To Lunch (DTube Version)
This is the south side of our house where we decided to add some cold frames.
The wooden frames are one to two feet tall, with a framed, hinged top. The tops are sloped towards the winter sun to capture more light and to improve runoff of water, and are covered with semi clear plastic.
Unfortunately, snow happens in January and we had to do some digging before picking
our salad. We had to use the snowblower just to get near the cold frames, then carefully uncover
them with a shovel, and again, blow the remaining snow away...(we got well over a foot this time).
Finally we were able to open the covers and see what, if anything, had survived. And survive it did..
a variety of mixed lettuce greens, spinach and arugula. More than enough for lunch, dinner and
possible the rest of the winter.
The seeds of these plants were sown in early September of last year. It is now January, and the plants are green and healthy in the cold frames, even after being burried with over a foot of snow, not to mention temperatures well below freezing and wind chills several degrees below that.
In early spring after all the greens have been harvested, we will use the frames to start cabbage and
broccoli plants, and later, to harden off tomato and pepper plants, before placing them in the open
A cold frame is like a miniature greenhouse and the perfect way to extend the gardening season....and who doesn't enjoy a fresh, organic, home grown the middle of winter.
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Great video! I can't believe that beautiful green goodness was waiting there! I love your boxes!
Thanks for stopping by for a look!
Amo los paisajes con nieve. Cosechar nuestros propios alimentos debe ser todo un reto. Pero facilmente se nota, que ya son expertos haciendo esto. Felicidades, doy upvote y le sigo.
Muchos de nosotros deberíamos cultivar nuestra propia comida, dependemos de las tiendas de comestibles.
La comida sembrada y cosechada por uno mismo, debe ser el orgullo que más podamos sentir.Más aún, cuando comemos y damos de comer a otros, demostrando nuestra capacidad de entender la naturaleza. Felicidades, hermano
Muchas gracias
Sensacional. ¿Cómo algo tan verde pudo sobrevivir a algo tan blanco? Si es fresco, es mejor: hay un dicho en venezuela. Un abrazo, brimax y nos seguimos leyendo
Gracias como siempre Hermano!
Plant in September and already have them in January that well. They had to dig in this winter season. good friend news
Thank you
great informative publication brother. regards