Just Another Day On The Farm - Right?

in #homesteading6 years ago (edited)

Another Project Done

A few days ago, I authored a post about one of my farm projects that I have recently completed which was building a net house.

And despite all the 'but you are a girl' eyebrows it raised I also got quite a bit of positive feedback and encouragement.

So I have decided to share another successful project that I have been working on for quite some time, with you.

Building The Pigsty's (Phase One)

This 5 pen pigsty is still an ongoing project but one I have started before the Net-house, and was build by me and two other farm workers. The Metal was all purchased secondhand from the owner of a demolished factory and that cut costs down a lot, other than that I only purchased cement and bricks as well as a few consumables in order to get this project started.


We started off by planting the ready cut support beams and laying the foundation, once the cement had cured we started building the basic structure - 5 pens in total each with a drainage pipe for cleaning, and thereafter we put up the roof. The sides in between the pen walls and the roof will be left completely open ensuring ample ventilation, and then once we had some shade to work under we started on the inside of the pens.

The Tedious Part:

So now we had start a bit more tedious work such as throwing the floors elevating them and slanting them just enough so that the pens could be hosed down and the water would run towards the drainage pipes, again this had to be left to cure before we continued. next we built up cement troughs for food and water in every pen and then started plastering the interior. The project really started taking shape at this point.

Interior Metal Work:

Now we needed to make the metal rails as well as the gates on the inside of the structure, and this is one part of the project that I am not completely happy with, because as you can see welding is clearly not one of my strong-points...


But What did you expect? I am only a girl after-all...

Phase two would entail building a mirrored unit linked to the first unit by a fenced open air pen for the pigs to enjoy during the day and will start as soon as I have accumulated enough funds.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading a bit more about my life on the farm, and I am looking forward to sharing more of my progress with you as time goes on!



That is some nice building you have going on there girly!

And who says girls cant build? This looks very proper to me hehe

Thank you so much - yes well, I am sure it will stand for longer than a day LOL

I pray things will work out to complete the project , it's a good project

Thank you so much - I really hope so!

OMG, that dog though. I had a german short hair pointer, he was brendle though. Good shit as always friend. RESPECT

He is a Weimerhaner and such a cool dog! And much respect right back at you!

I raised 27 half Weimeraner puppies. By the time I figured out my Lab was in heat, she wasn't in heat anymore =p

Barnabus was a good dog, even though some asshole shot out one of his eyes later in life. Ninja Storm Queen Latifah, one of his daughters through Angel Baby Goldie Hawn, my Yellow Lab, had the best nose and disposition of any dog I have even met.

I still miss her.

tl;dr Weimeraners are good doges.

Oh they are indeed!

This is INCREDIBLE! hahahaha it never ceases to amaze me... the things that Steemians can do! I wouldn't even have a clue where to start!
Nice job @breezin hehehehe

Trust me if you really need to get something done and want to - you figure out a way!

I believe you!!!! Necessity is the mother of invention. and you did a beautiful job!!!

That's quite the project, very nice work with the pens and the net house.

Thank you so much @jackdub!

ah man! I want a farm. Mork and I sometimes think of moving out of the city. Thanks for this little insight into your daily life. I loved it

Just a pleasure, life on the farm is rich and fulfilling but trust me it is not always sunshine and roses LOL

I can believe that! Where abouts are you? I think you mentioned North-West Province? Is it dangerous up there?

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Farm without a dog would not be a farm, love the shadow dog (Weimerhaner) @breezin

Enjoy the pigs when they arrive, also full of character, hope you are not a softie like me and end up with them around the house LOL..... No I don't have pigs, have visited a farm where they were just about part of the family.

hahaha - I am quite a softy but I do try not to get involved with them on a personal level - otherwise my daughter will never be able to go to university LOL They are already in - the old stys were just not holding up anymore and I had to rebuild

This post has been featured in the @offgrid-online - Weekly Review Curation - Thank you for sharing your knowledge and personal experience with building the pigsty.

Oh wow - Thank you so much, I am just happy to have a great community that I can share it with!

"Only a girl" Yeah right. You are so so much more than that!

The welding is not too bad. Should hold quite well. How fast does metal rust there? Here in Cape Town and the coastal regions rust is extremely prolific but I am sure that it must be better where you are.

I believe it is, but I coated it with red oxide in any case

That should hold it for a loooooong time in any case.

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