Home-IN-Steading: Rabbits make way for the new Arrivals!

in #homesteading7 years ago (edited)



It's been a rather unexpected and exciting day on the Bluer Than Green Homestead!

The day started off with helping my nearest neighbor, @papa-pepper, get a cattle trailer hooked up to my F-350 so that he could skedaddle off to trade some of his piggies for some cute little diary goats. I'm sure he'll be making his own post on that adventure in no time.

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This post is not about him, or his goats, however, as exciting as that would be.

Oh, no, my fine feathered friends!

This post is about what Papa-Pepper was bringing back for the Bluer Than Green Homestead!

Well, not exactly.

This post is about the hurried rush to make preparations for what Papa-Pepper was bringing back to the Bluer Than Green Homestead.

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You see, I had hoped Papa was going to be able to bring back something new, but when he called me and told me what he was bringing back, rather, HOW MUCH he was bringing back, I knew I had to make some quick changes to our current animal accommodations.

Quickly switching gears from working on our old camper, I turned my attention to making rabbit cages. It was time to evict the current tenants of our converted dog kennel and put them in there own shopping cart apartments.

That's right! Boys and girls, Shopping Cart Apartments! Idea courtesy of Papa-Pepper himself.


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This was something that I knew I had to do pretty soon anyways. Even though I now live in Arkansas where these kinda things are tolerated, I'm originally from Wisconsin, so I didn't want the sons messing with their mom or their sister.

Check out the post from @allforthegood

New Life on the Homestead: Bunnies! to see these cute little bunnies beginnings. They sure grow up fast!

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I took the following video so that you could watch the process a little and hear what the new arrivals will be!


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Thanks for Reading/Watching!

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As Always,

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Shopping carts! That's pretty clever! Will you be raising them for meat? Just curious.

Yes, ma'am. For us and the dogs. Pretty good source of protein that is very prolific in reproduction.

Pretty awesome. Rabbits are great breeders and provide lots of good lean meat. Duck eggs...hmm. Not a bad idea. Bigger eggs (we love eggs) and perhaps healthier too? I like the idea of the shopping carts. A good way to recycle something that gets discarded...

Like some have said great protein and the manure is great for the garden too.

Dang, that's pretty cool. One rabbit per cage? Or will you squish more in when they're small?

2 rabbits per cage. Wouldn't want them to get lonely.

Two males per cage? That's cruel.

it is great when one person comes up with an idea and is able to share it with his neighbour.
How long before pre-loved shopping carts are in short supply?

I support your willingness to live your truest self.

Let the ingenuity begin! Great idea if I say so myself.

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