An Ounce of Prevention...

Is Worth A Pound of Cure



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One of the biggest struggles that I have in developing my homestead is knowing where to even start.

At times the task before me in "reversing the curse" on my humble 12 acres of earth seems too big to fully wrap my mind around.

Often, I’m frozen by my “paralysis of analysis.”

I can see the big picture in my head, the vision of what this little patch of earth can become, but I am unsure of how to begin to get it there.

Why is their such paralysis?

I think it's because certain fears assail me...

  • What if I spend a lot of time (and money) on what I think should be a core component to the overall design of the land only to find out I did it wrong?

  • What if I put "it" (trees, ponds, berms, swales, huglemounds, buildings, roads, etc...) in the wrong place?

  • What if there is some aspect that I’m not considering that I wish I would have known then what I didn’t know now?

Thankfully, there is a design system, a science really, that has been discovered to help take away the anxiety and break a Goliath of a homestead plan into manageable, bite size pieces.

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I present unto you Permaculture!

The solution to many a homesteader's problems.

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Permaculture is a design science.

It offers logical and effective use of all available resources to accomplish 3 main goals, or prime directives:

  1. Care for the Earth

  2. Care for People

  3. Return of Surplus to the ends of the first two.

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In my next post I will go into more detail on exactly what Permaculture is and how I am using it's goals and principles to shape my homestead.

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Thanks for Reading!

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As Always,

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Bluer than green I suffered from this a lot too in the early years, we followed Mollison's recommendation, interpreted loosely by me, of not making any major changes in the first year.

The layout and organization of a stead, the design, has to develop naturally, and should be accompanied by lots of drawings and prototyping!

One bite at a time, which in our jungly case would be one square meter at a time.

@ecoinstant said it. Observe for a long time. And start at zone 1...... I am a bit of a jumper and have a hard time waiting, but lesson learned is to wait and think and plan.....

I just finished up my second class on permaculture. Of course, I'm so excited I'm about to pop. Who new swales were so important? I'm still in my observation period for some of my property but making plans all the while. Looking forward to your future posts.

I just saw your interview with Papa-Pepper and knew there had to be a reason for your name. I was thrilled to find out what it was. You've got me very intrigued and I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us.

a very good post my friend. i like you

Here is my thinking for what it is worth. Plant a little at a time . Don't spend too much money until you get the hang of it. Plants can always be moved to a different location. I learn as I go. My mistakes teach me way at to do differently. I hope to get better at it every season. Enjoy having your hands in the dirt. Hope all goes well and you are able to quell your fears. 🐓🐓

Great post I havent' even got my land yet but am experimenting with growing techniques an what will grow in this wet climate. Looking out for good tip so keep em coming :)

I think every single homesteader goes through this exact same thing, some of us on more than one occasion. :D Just take it one day at a time, ask all the questions you can think of, even the ones that seem stupid...because you likely aren't the only one that doesn't know the answer, and others may be too shy or embarrassed to you'll help others by asking. :D
That is the hardest thing for me to do, has been all my life, I hate feeling foolish or stupid so I struggle to figure things out on my own, until I get to the point that I don't want to figure whatever it is out anymore.
I do ask a lot more questions than I used to though so that's an improvement. :D
It helps that everyone on here is so kind and willing to share their knowledge. :D

I think most people don't realize how lucky we are to be a part of this as a community. Things of this magnitude are usually only available to the elite. If the power of the community could be harnessed the growth could be exponential.

Thanks for sharing ,

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