Cultivation of cloves to harvesting

in #homesteading7 years ago

Hello streemian, this is my brief info on cultivation up to the time of harvesting of cloves

Clove is one of the agricultural commodities that have high economic value. Good as spices, mixed ingredients of clove cigarettes or ingredients in the manufacture of essential oils. However, if other planting and maintenance factors are not addressed then production and quality will be low.  seeks to play a role in increasing the production of clove of Indonesia in K-3 that is Quantity, Quality and keep preserving environment.


The plant grows optimally at 300 - 600 dpal with a temperature of 22 ° -30 ° C, the desired rainfall of 1500 4500 mm / year Soil loose with a minimum of 2 m solum, does not encounter optimal pH 5.5 - 6.5. Soil type latosol, red andosoldan podsolic good to be planted cloves.


Create a bed for shade with width of 1, 1.2 m and length as needed with longitudinal direction to north south. Right left beds made trench as deep as 20 cm and width 50 cm. Above the bed is made shade as high as 1.8 m in the east and 1.2 m in the south, light intensity 75%. Seed immersed in media in polybag size 15 cm x 20 cm (for seeds to be moved at the age of 1 year) or size 20 cm x 25 cm (for seeds to be removed at the age of 2 years) the bottom has been perforated 2.5 mm with a distance of 2 x 2 cm. The medium used is fine sand, soil and manure with a ratio of 2: 1: 1, and give Natural GLIO per 20 25 kg of manure that has been finished and consumed for ± 2 weeks. And before the seedlings are planted flush the soil with NASA POC 5 ml / liter of water or 0.5 cap per liter of water. -Then arrange the polybag on the nursery that has been prepared. Watering is done twice a day. Weeding done 2-3 times a month adapted to the growth of weeds. The intensity of the shade is gradually reduced gradually to 40% when the seedlings are moved to the field. NPK fertilization is performed at a dose of 10 gr / tree / year or with Urea, SP-36 and KCl with dose of 3.5 gr / / year. The fertilizer is given once every 3 months while for the inside polybag is given as much as 1.5 months once.Note: It would be better seedlings interspersed / plusSUPERNASA interval once a month with a dose of 1 bottle for ± 400 seedlings. 1 SUPERNASA bottle is diluted in 4 liters (4000 ml) of water made into mother liquor. Then every 1 liter was given 10 ml of the mother liquor to water each seed.


The pengajiran done on the plant block to facilitate the planting with spacing of 8 x 8 m with rectilinear or rectangular pattern.


A ground hoe that has been given a hole with a planting hole size 75 x 75 x 75 cm. Planting at the beginning of the rainy season. Give manure 25 - 50 kg which has been mixed with 1 pakNatural GLIO and 1.5 - 2 kg dolomite, mix well. Input 5-10 kg of the mixture per planting hole. Put the seeds and clumps of the soil into the hole to the neck of the root. Give shade with artificial 30 cm with intensity 50%. Paste NASA POC evenly with a dose of 2-3 ml / liter of water per seed or spray NASA POC 2 cap / tank. The result will be better by using SUPERNASA by: 1 bottleSUPERNASA diluted in 2 liters (2000 ml) made into mother liquor. Then in 1 liter water is added 10 ml of mother liquor then given for each tree.


Shade arrangements are performed between 4-6 months.

✔a.) Fertilization AGE OF MACRO FERTILIZER Urea TSPKClDolomit. Note: When given the first two periods of fertilization, start the wet season (September-October) and the second at the end of the rainy season (March-April). Sprinkle SUPERNASA or POWER NUTRITION doses 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water per tree every 3-6 months once. Spray POC NASA dose 3 - 4 lid + HORMONIK dose 1-2 lid on every 1-2 months until the age of 5 tahun.Tambahan: For clove plants that have been production or fruit use POWER NUTRITION to improve fertilization. POWER NUTRITION organic fertilizer is a fertilizer formulated specifically to stimulate the growth of flowers and improve fertilization to be more optimal. POWER NUTRITION is made from a variety of natural organic ingredients that are processed specifically with essential nutrient content that is needed by plants to improve the production of cloves. How to use is: 3 tablespoons POWER NUTRITION dissolved into water in a mixture 1/2 capAERO 810 to help impregnation of nutrients at the root. Next pour it around the roots of the plant. Perform this fertilization every 3 months for optimal results.

✔b.) Pest and Disease Control

↔1. Aphids (Coccus viridis) Part of being attacked: young twigs, young leaves. Symptoms: Growth that dihisapnya will be stopped for example twig dried, leaves and dried flowers and fall out. Prevention use PENTANA + AERO 810 or Natural BVR.

Branch / Batang (Xyleborus sp) The attacked part: branch / trunk. Symptoms: Liang hole in the form of small hole, great attack causing twigs / stems become fragile and easily broken. Control: Prune the branches / stems are attacked, prevention use PESTONA or Natural BVR. ↔3. Ladybug Helopeltis (Helopeltis sp) Part of being attacked: shoots or young leaves. Symptoms: Usually shoots will die and young leaves falling. Prevention: Spray Natural BVR or PESTONA. ↔4. Single dead disease (bacteria Xylemlimited bacterium). The affected part: rooting, young twigs. Symptoms: the death of twigs on the ends of plants. The leaves fall along with the death of twigs simultaneously. Control: good drainage arrangement, soil erosion, prevention of leaking NASA + HORMONIK + NATURAL GLIO. ↔5. Root rot disease (Pytium rhizoctonia and Phytopthora). Part attacked: rooting. Symptoms: in the nursery of plants die suddenly, on the mature leaf plants dry from the lower branches. Control: if the attack has been malignant then the affected plants are dismantled and destroyed, the plant hole give the flour sulfur 200 gr evenly, the isolation of plants or the affected area by making the channel isolation, improve drainage, use natural GLIO at the beginning of planting for prevention. Note: If control of pests and diseases with natural pesticides has not overcome, as the last alternative can be used chemical pesticides are recommended. For spraying more evenly and not easily lost by rain water add Welding Adhesives AERO 810 dosage 0.5 bottle cap per tank G. PANEN Cloves can start harvesting from plant age 4.5-6.5 years, to obtain a good quality of flowers cloves picked when ripe, when the head of the flower looks full but has not opened yet. Mature picking of each plant is generally not synchronized and picking can be repeated every 10-14 days for 3-4 months. Flower cloves picked per cluster just above the last leaf book. Flowers that have been picked and then put into a small basket / sack and taken to the processing. H. POST-HARVEST HANDLING Sorting fruit. Separate the flowers from the stem and place them in different places. A 1-day replanting was done to improve the color of cloves to shiny chocolate. Drying can be done by a drying machine using firewood or fuel oil. It can also be dried by natural means of drying with the sun on concrete floors to water content to 12-14%, and can be stored and safe from fungi.Sortation. At this stage the cloves are separated from the dirt by means of winnowing. Then the cleaned cloves are put in the sack and stitched.


Cloves can begin to be harvested from the plant age of 4.5 to 6.5 years, to obtain good quality picked clove flower when ripe, when the flower head looks full but not yet open. Mature picking of each plant is generally not synchronized and picking can be repeated every 10-14 days for 3-4 months. Flower cloves picked per cluster just above the last leaf book. Flowers that have been picked and then put into a small basket / sack and taken to the processing.


Sorting fruit. Separate the flowers from the stem and place them in different places. A 1-day replanting was done to improve the color of cloves to shiny chocolate. Drying can be done by a drying machine using firewood or fuel oil. It can also be dried by natural means of drying with the sun on concrete floors to water content to 12-14%, and can be stored and safe from fungi.Sortation. At this stage the cloves are separated from the dirt by means of winnowing. Then the cleaned cloves are put in the sack and stitched. 

Thank you and hopefully useful and add insight into the cultivation of cloves, see you again @batubara


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great post bro batubara thanks for helpful post for us

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