
Ah, yes, the leaves have their blanket all pulled up tight around them, sleeping until spring.

Funny how snow can appear to be warm even though it's by definition, cold. Maybe it's the ability to muffle sounds that makes it seem that way. It'll be fun to see what wakes up in there!

Unfortunately we are to the west of the most recent snow storm here in Tennessee. The east coast seems to be getting a lot though.

I think the east coast has already reached their quota for this year's snowfall. Lol! They better hope for a slow thaw. Maybe y'all will get some of the pretty stuff the next time. Usually, if it's snowing, the temps aren't horribly low. Snow is better than 'hurts to breathe'.

Stay cozy!

That is true. Temps here have been extremely cold the past few weeks, like into the single digits most nights. All we have seen in regards to snow during the stretch is just a few flurries here and there.

We have been getting a lot of winter weather and cold temperatures here too. I cannot wait for it to start heating up outside! I too am ready for this next year's garden and raised beds to get growing. Good Job!

Fingers crossed, we're supposed to have highs above freezing on Sunday. Fingers crossed we both get a break from the more extreme stuff!

Looks pretty chilly up in them there parts. Hope you got your flannels on with cozy socks sitting with your “ingenious fireplace” set on high.
It’s been in the 20’s here at night and I’ve been damn cold. Took a tumble in the chicken area, got tangled up and went boom. I was quite stunned by the spectacle!🐓

Yup yup! Two layers of everything to keep warm and toasty toes as I type. ;~D

OW! I hope you're okay! Are you sure the girls didn't set up a snare trap trying to mug you for extra food? Do take care, darlin'!

Are you sure it's still there? ha ha

Sure hope so!

I hope you staying nice and warm!

Even down here in Florida its getting cold we got a hard freeze warning. Might have to take a bunch of plants indoors tomorrow depending how bad it gets tonight.

Hunkered down with the heat on and a nice cup of hot tea.

Good luck on keeping the plants safe. Hard freezes down there can really wreak havoc. Even a paper bag over the ones you can't bring in might help.

We have blankets and sheets over them right now. I just hope it does not rain tonight. We did bring in most of them to our back porch just in case it does so they least have some shelter.

great view i'm sure it's greatest in spring!

That's the plan! ;~P
A crop of veggies would be the best.

Ewwwww that white stuff is horrible lol :)

LOL! I'll take the white stuff over the frigid temps. It shouldn't hurt to breathe when you go outside, fer pity's sake. Whoever turned off the dang heat, needs to be fired. 😜

I agree why does Winter have to be so cold. Don't they know some of us have gardens lol

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