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RE: Weekly Chicken Gazette Issue #14🐓

Upvoted you at 100 since I've been a bad friend and the girls deserve it haha
My Amaracauna has not been laying as she is molting. It's been in the low 100's here and it's making it so uncomfortable for her, she doesn't really want to be in the coop but comes to the garage door to see if I will let her in the crate, silly thing. I don't because it's even hotter in there!
Hope you and your's are well, I'm busy as usual :)
Hugs to you!


Seems to be the time when many folks hens seem to have gone on strike. Hope it cools off for you all out there, it's going to be 41 here by tomorrow morning. All is well here with the exception of Blue my Cochin, she injured her leg and seems to be losing weight. She is unable to roost so I put her in the nest box each evening. Poor thing.🐓

Mine have been acting weird, not sure if its the molting or the heat. I'm sorry about your gal, I hope her leg fixes itself soon <3 Try adding colloidal silver in her water, it seems she might have a bug due to injury.

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