We had kids...and more!!!!!!


Sunday, shortly after Heather left for work, I went to check on our prego goat, Winter. She seemed fine, waddling around her paddock, nibbling on the grass. I gave the goats some water and grain, and went back inside. About 2 hours later, my new neighbor, knocked on the door.....

Neighbor: "Hey, I was near your fence and I heard a really faint, weak 'Baaaa' coming from your goat pen, you may want to go look. I wasnt too sure if there was something wrong so I thought I should tell you."
Me: "Oh I was just out there but yeah, lets go see whats going on..."

I walk to the goat pen, and what do I see?


Triplets! She had Triplets!


Momma took to them right away cleaning them up. I helped a little with an ear syringe to clear out their little noses. Within minutes, they all started standing and walking around. They were really interested in seeing who I was!


Once momma stood up, I slowly guided her into an enclosed pen to have time away from the other goats. I placed the babies gently into the pen and let them get to know their momma.

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Momma continued to clean them up while they took to nursing quickly. It was such a precious moment to witness!


We knew she was due to give birth any day, but we had no idea how quickly she delivered. We had thought it would be an all day affair but this momma knew what to do even though it was her first kids. She took to being a sweet, tender caretaker immediately after giving birth. I dont think it could have gone better!


We had two does, and one buck. The buck is the mainly white one, and the blonde and brown are the little does. They are an exciting and much anticipated addition to the homestead and I am so happy I got to be home to witness it! They are adorable and precious, and I cant get enough of them!


I placed our buck, Merlin, out to graze on a tether while the birthing was taking place. I wasnt sure how he would react to the new babies, and I was told its best to keep her separate for a while after she has her kids. After she got into her pen, I went to retrieve him. I rounded the corner of the old outhouse we have in the back and what do I find?


One of my hens also went broody and had some chicks!!

What an amazing surprise! We thought we had lost a chicken a few weeks ago, and thought a predator may have got her, or perhaps our roosters were too rough and injured her, and never found her way home. Boy were we wrong! She was just hiding in the old outhouse brooding her eggs! We have 10 more chicks on the homestead on top of the 3 new goats all in the same day!



She couldnt get her and the chicks back in to the outhouse for shelter, the step up was too high for her babies, so myself and my neighbor rounded up the chicks and got momma back inside for the night with food and clean water. We plan to let her stay in there for the next week or two while she tends to the babies. We figured that if she is being a good momma, there is no need for us to interfere. If she seems to loose interest, which chickens can do sometimes, we will take them inside and allow them to grow out before adding them to the flock.

WOW! What an exciting weekend to have! I got to see all this new life come forth into the world all in just a few hours. We feel so blessed to have such great things happening on the homestead. I cant wait to see how all these new babies grow up and I am so happy to be a part of raising them. Animals have become such a large part of my life here on the homestead I dont think I could ever imagine what life would be like without them. Thank you all for stopping by today and Steem on steemians!!



What a home zoo you have! It must be great! :-)

It is a home zoo indeed! To date we have 16 quail, 6 rabbits, 17 chickens, 3 goats, 2 dogs and a cat. We have plans on more too!

A day of rebirth! How beautiful. I love animals especially baby ones. The first image made me laugh as the "kid" does not look impressed lol.

He was not impressed at all haha!

Animals hey, they just dont know how to selfie. Animals and babies lol.

This is a great day. Its blessings all round. The goat and the chicken. In Africa here, we do lots of domestic goat and chicken rearing and we seem to understand you excitement. Do take good care of them the way you can.

These are my first goats and chickens, I also have quail and rabbit I am raising. They are so exciting to raise, I love learning about them every day! Thank you for reading!

What wonderful news!!! So many babies! Talk about a joyous occasion! Thanks so much for sharing all these awesome photos with us. Made my heart happy.

We are both so happy and excited to have all these babies around!

that is so cool! By the way, noob question since I don't know much about real live goats ( I only know them in games X3 ), but why are the triplets so completely differently colored? Anyway, that was the exciting day with all the new additions. :3

Im a noob to raising goats myself, I believe that goats are more prone to having fraternal twins more than identical twins. Im not sure though, Ill have to look it up! Thanks for reading!

How cool! I've never had goats or chickens ... but there was a horse. And watching the horse - it was very interesting! I think it's also interesting with other pets.

I bet seeing a horse was amazing! The goats were the first I have seen in person, except for hatching quail, but that was not near as exciting as seeing the goats haha! Thank you for your support!

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