
@acdevan The only knowledge anyone can gain from Troy Reid is how not to do things. He is a fake off gridder and is totally dependent on dollar stores and donations from some of his gullible followers on youtube.

Actually we share our FREE videos for your entertainment.

Thank you for your opinion.

Reid just admitted his channel is all BS in this statement.
"Actually we share our FREE videos for your entertainment"
It is just a fantasy world Reid lives in to make click bait video's for little old cat ladies cash and ebegs incessantly so he can play all day without employment while pimping his wife and child.
Now he is playing the Steem game because his YT channel is tanking.
Do not support this conman

All we do is show videos of our daily lives on the homestead.

If you do not believe us - that is fine.

If you do not like us - that is fine.

But harassing us like this online and in the real world is criminal.

Thank you. Yes I agree. The old ways are being lost and we should all learn to provide for ourselves. One day we may reach a point where the current system cannot sustain us any longer.

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