Update on our little lamb, and how we treated the dreaded 'runs'...

Lamby update:


Our cutie pie little lamby is doing great! She started off being dubbed 'SnowyCookie', which was traded out for the much funnier 'Gizzard', but for some reason, the only thing we can actually call her to her face is 'Lamby', or 'Baby'... She is too cute for anything else, haha!


She is now 4 weeks old! I can't believe we have had her for 2 whole weeks already!

She did pretty well at first, but developed a case of the 'new-home-stress runs'. Diarrhea can be deadly in baby animals, so naturally, we were very concerned. I did some online research, and found that lots of people use pepto-bismol to treat this. I don't have stuff like that on hand, so I kept researching, and found someone in a forum who recommended pureed carrots to stop the runs! They said to get a couple jars of baby food, but instead, I peeled, cooked, and pureed some actual carrots.

I started adding this to her milk every feeding, (about a tablespoon per 16oz or so, didn't really measure...), and within one day, she had marked improvement! Her poops gradually turned back to normal, and her appetite increased a LOT! She is sucking down two bottles per feeding now and every time I go to check her, she has grown larger! We've had to loosen her collar a couple times already.
Coincidence, perhaps, but I thought I would share that carrot tidbit in case any of you have a lamb with the runs...


She is also nibbling grain and hay quite a bit now, which is great. She also likes to dig in the dirt and eat that as well, not so great... Her nose is always dirty from eating dirt! I've never had baby goats do this, so I did some online research and found that lots of lambs do this and it is normal, not something to worry about.


The kids still love her to death and play with her every day. ♥



Thanks for reading! Ill update you guys on her progress again in a few weeks!

badges courtesy of @daddykirbs



They are so cute. We had twins delivered this morning.

Congrats! Mama and babies doing well I hope?

I could watch them jump around and play for hours.

I know, right?! They are just so darned cute!

So fun! I'm thinking this lamb might become a pet lol

Haha, it may be...
Its supposed to be food! Everyone is just getting so attached though.
Even my husband, (who does not get attached to any animals whatsoever), said the other day, when we were talking about butchering her in the fall, 'and we know that might not even happen'.
So yeah... she may end up staying long term.

What if you bred her and then ate her babies...😬 I know that sounds terrible, but just an idea...

(Its not terrible, we are farmers!)
That's what I was thinking too... only thing is, we have limited acreage, and we already have a small goat herd. I would have to buy a ram and another ewe or two, and then try and section off and rotate both herds...
Or buy more land...
I guess we have time to figure it out. haha!

Plenty of time! She's a baby. It's nice talking to other farmers. I always feel heartless talking about animals as food in front of other people bcuz they have such a sad face. But we take the best care of our animals, give them love, the best food, and Dr them if needed. They are our livelihood. We are not just a feed lot. Thanks for making me feel normal!

You make me feel normal too! ♥
I have inlaws that are just horrified that we can name something, love on it, and then EAT it! They don't understand that this is SO much kinder than eating those poor feedlot animals...
We love them, raise them, keep them healthy, save them when they are hurt or sick, and then yes, they provide sustenance for us! It is not fun, we do not enjoy killing anything, but this is how life works. Giving them a great, loved, happy life is the right thing to do. ♥

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