Final Update - Thanks for the Support

in #homesteadersonline7 years ago (edited)

Thank you all for the support. 

Unfortunately Leo just passed away at the hospital about an hour ago. His temperature had dropped even lower and they were going to do some more blood work, but in vain. He died after being administered morphine and it was very quick. I've dealt with many deaths so (unfortunately) I am used to this. It still sucks though especially because it was not his time. 

I may or may not post the WHN today - don't feel like writing but it may keep me busy. We will see! 

Thanks again everyone and give your pet(s) a kiss from me!


<3 RIP little Leo

Our condolences for Leo. Losing an animal is never easy. Our hearts go out to you. </3

Rest In Peace and May your spirit feel peace today too ❤️ Much love from us

So sorry to hear my friend. Hugs

Sorry to hear about your loss.

Darn it, I am so sorry. I really don’t have any words for comfort cause I know nothing really helps in times like these. But you know how to find me if you need a chat!

oh honey, my heart goes out to you! <3 <3 <3

Oh dear. I'm so sorry, hon. Peace to you and Leo. Lots of love your way.

Awww I am so sorry to hear that, I can't imagine what it like to loose a pet, sending my love.

So sorry to hear this. I am glad Leo didn't suffer longer than he had to. How nice that he left you with so many wonderful memories.

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