Our Greenhouse - First Update of The Year

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We are coming into our second year of using our little homemade greenhouse. We built it last year out of a disused stock trailer frame, greenhouse plastic, and wiggle wire. Last year I grew tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and squash. This year I'm really going to use my space, plus there are plans on using a soaker hose system for watering, so I expect to have a very successful harvest come summer and fall.

According to the Farmer's Almanac, my zone should be planting eggplant indoors right now. Our greenhouse has no electricity running to it and all my plants will be in above-ground planters so trying to start anything this early out there has little chance of success.


This year I'm planting Malaysian Dark Red Eggplant from Baker Creek Seeds. I only have room for two of these plants in my little greenhouse. So I started three little soil pods with three seeds each. Depending on how many make it, I will thin the weakest and leave the strongest seedlings. If all three pods are successful, I will probably find a friend who could use an extra eggplant and give it away. I've grown too many peppers in the past and had to share them with @jasonrussell and @melodyrussell because I couldn't stand to let them go to waste. They will probably be the recipients of whatever I over-grow this year as well. Haha!

Little eggplant seeds



I plan on companion transplanting these eggplants into my half-barrel planters with some little lettuces. They are said to be good to grow together, one not draining too many nutrients for the other to survive.

Thanks for checking this post out! Please share any tips you have or your experiences in growing eggplant! I've only grown it from seed once before. It was successful, but I really didn't know what I was doing so I'm not entirely confident. Stay tuned!


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Great greenhouse! I grow eggplants and companion planting with lettuce is a great plan...marigolds and green onions are great to companion plant with them too. More bang for your space too!
Your seed collection looks exciting:) isn't this time of year so much fun for garden dreaming lol??

It is! I just want to dig in some soil!!! I love the smell of topsoil. Thanks so much for stopping by, @karenfoster!

That’s a nice greenhouse! I miss gardening and would love one of these to grow my own food So rewarding Lucky you :)

Thank you, @trudereed! It is very rewarding. It makes me feel good to provide for my family in this way.

Yes, rewarding on so many levels! Hope you will share the progress of your food growing ;)

I love eggplant but have never been successful at growing them I wish you good luck! I also get all my sends from baker creek!

Your little greenhouse is looking ready to go. Having 2 eggplants is better than none at all. You really took a good photo of the greenhouse so I can understand how it is laid out. I have wanted to get a barrel for growing like you have done. Thanks for sharing. 🐓🐓

I have two extra of these 55-gallon barrels and I am planning on using both for this kind of gardening set-up. Just need to find the correct saw to cut them in half.

We used a circular saw. It cut like butter.

Thanks so much, @mother2chicks! Good luck!

Yay! Another gardener on the move...
Hope your plan works like a dream. Companion planting seems to be gaining notice in recent years. Makes sense in limited space!

Thanks, @aunt-deb! I love seeing everyone's posts about their upcoming gardens. It gives me the planting itch!

Pretty much what I'm doing, although I've got a few weeks to go yet. We still have six inches of snow even though it's melting fast. T-storms & 60 tomorrow thru Tues, then back to near freezing temps. It's too dicey to start, so I'm living vicariously peeking at others' progress!

Yay! Here’s to a productive gardening season and hopefully we’ll get some of those tasty leftovers again!!! ;)

nice .. it's dancing once i like with this bright color ..
this could be a lesson for me .. i can learn with this ..
Thank you friend

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