What's In The Box??? Why It's A New Skill For Me To Learn

What New Skill Will I Learn On The Golden D Homestead Now?



Many of you know I have been slipping out of my normal shell and starting to implement new skills and advance my li'l homestead more every day.

One skill, or technique, I have had an interest in this past year was fermenting. I have read posts about fermented honey garlic and other herbal-like concoctions and, of course, this piqued my interest EVEN MORE!

So, last week hubby gave me the thumbs-up.. and without any further encouragement, I RAN with it. I ordered my tools and supplies and they were delivered yesterday. So today I bundled up and headed out to do some quick errands in the FREEZING cold AND snow flurries- what ever happened to the old saying, it's too cold to snow? Well, they were wrong!


(of a substance) undergo fermentation.
"the drink had fermented, turning some of the juice into alcohol"

YES! I am making homemade wine!

Homemade Dago Red Wine! At hubby's request, after all, he is 100% Sicilian so what other wine would he want?

Now before you get all YAY! Look what she's doing now! on me... let me tell you, I cheated a little. I bought a wine-making kit. It has EVERY item and container I would need to make a gallon of homemade wine.

Baby, steps here

Onto The Process


Wash, clean and remove every stem from 6-lbs of red grapes


Put all clean grapes in the mesh bag then add to the first 1-gallon bucket/fermenting pail and start squishing the juice out


Tie off the mesh bag keeping the pulp and grapes inside, following instructions on wine-making kit and add water, sugar and the required powders from the kit


Cover, loosely, with lid and let sit for 24-hours. Then I will add the yeast and every day I will squeeze the mesh bag and stir

When all is said and done, the wine process will take about two months, so near or around the first week of March, I can serve my hubby up a glass of homemade Dago Red Wine with his heart-healthy dinner.

Wine, Red, Calories and Nutrition per Serving (1 Serving=1 Glass/125ml)

Calories 85
Grams of Protein 0.1
Grams of Carbohydrate 3.1
Grams of Fat 0
Grams of Fibre 0
Grams of Alcohol 12

So there you have it, not only am I learning a new skill (fermenting), but I am ALSO very proud of myself for taking a new leap into a new DIY territory

I will be keeping a photo diary of the process as it progresses so when the wine is complete I can share my adventure into fermenting!

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Oh, you are making me want to get my beer making kit fired up... So many toys, so little time!

I know.. I keep thinking about all the additions I've made to the homestead in the last few years... all new canning and preserving supplies, the wine kit, dehydrator, greenhouse... oh, the list could go on and on...

It's Wine! 🍷🍷🍷

How man glasses do you get in a box??

Oh! You have to make it!?! Haha

Good luck, I hear patience and organisation are key!

Ps. I entered you into a little competition the other day.... and you won, which meant I won too! Well done and thank you!!

What? A contest? Really? HOw cool are you!!!!

YOu're welcome.... for winning!

This makes a gallon. I am not a drinker but I am thrilled to be making for gifts and family.

And btw... DUDE! You gotta share the contest details!!!! I'm willing to beg!! (a little!)

you found it :D Well done!

yeah it only took another cup of hazelnut coffee and I was off RUNNING! lol

Oh man, you've really gone down the rabbit hole now lol. Home-brewing is really great, if I may, I'd like to offer a couple suggestions.
Please for the love of God, don't be me and never write anything down. This is my biggest screw up, labels are your friend. Many times I've cracked a bottle a year or two after bottling, mostly ciders, and saying to myself "Man this is really great, wish I remembered how I made it".😭 The other thing is sanitation, very important, use a good quality sanitizer. I use Star San.

All jokes aside, making your own wine, cider and beer is one of the most rewarding things you can do. Let me know if you need any help!

Thanks for the advice! I am so OCD I will be labeling EVERYTHING!

Yes I have the Star San. A small bottle came with the kit but I bought extra.

That is funny! I'm the same way, even freezing things I think oh I'll remember later. I love fermenting. Good fun!

I'm dumb enough to keep tell myself I'll remember, we males are reckless creatures. 😎
Did you use a yeast or are you relying on the natural stuff? If missed it in the article sorry.

I have a special wine yeast that I bought. SOme came with the kit but I researched and found one I wanted to try.

Good deal, that's really the best way to start. Grapes have natural yeast cultures that grow on them just like apples and whatnot. These yeast cultures are unique to regions and also change from year to year. That's one of the reasons that regional wines and ciders have unique flavors. Also why the same plant will produce different tasting product from year to year. Yeast is a really interesting little critter.

OMGOSH!! You are someone I need to keep handy when I have questions and concerns about fermenting and making wine!

Happy to help! Please ask me anything you want. I'll pass along anything I know. I need to start another batch of cider. My last was an apple cyser I flavored with peaches. Sadly I won't know if it's any good for months.😔

AHhh, now that would be something I may consider once I get more fermenting under my belt... an apple cider. I live surrounded by apple orchards here.

Good for you! I was considering learning how to make mead. I've heard there is health benefits for both wine and mead...in moderation :)

I learned last year how to make tallow... which I will make again hopefully soon so I can use it in my next batch of homemade soap.

Good luck. Hopefully it turns out great. I’m not into the whole wine thing but props to you for trying something new. New year new skills. I like it!! We should all try something new outside our normal box. 😉

I myself don't drink alcohol at all. I think may last sip of any alcohol was back in 2001... or 2002?

I am making it for my husband and potentially for homemade gifts for others next year.
Just have been wanting to learn a new skill, and this one seemed perfect to start with.

They will be great gifts for those wine lovers out there.

Oh how I was expecting to see a nice fermenting crock in that box for making the best sauerkraut and pickles you have ever had. Oh how wrong I was😳

I don't drink alcohol either, but do enjoy making (and consuming) kombucha and kefir.

Well, hubby is Sicilian.. And I am 100% Polish so sauerkraut and pickles are more my style!
I do have my grandma's old crock in the pantry. I may have to dig it out and see if my mom has the old family recipes somewhere!

THANKS for the idea!!

Wow! How exciting! I love Kombucha ( and it’s really good for you), you should try it😊

I have added that to my to-try list of skills.
I have heard so much about it... so curiosity is getting the better of me about it

Best attitude for the New Year! I’ll follow your excitement and will work on my list of skills😉 I’ll probably start with sprouting. keep you posted :)

AWESOME!! SO glad I could inspire you!!

Yes, you did! A list of skills will work much better than resolutions, at least for me😊

Woot woot! Fermenting is so fun. We made our first batch of wine 4 years ago now, and since then I've done kombucha, water kefir, milk kefir, coconut kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, carrots, salsa, siima, elderberry wine, ginger bug, sourdough, beet kvass, rejuvalac... Ummm... Surely more! Haha! It's addictive like steemit :)

Well, this is only the beginning for me. I figure,I'll get comfy with this... then start venturing off a little more in the fermenting realm!

I may have to call on your periodically... so be READY!

It looks like a perfect place to start, I'm sure you'll grow to love fermenting! I am ready and willing to help in any way :)

It's always a step forward if we are learning something new. Congrats.

Yes, I think so too. I've been wanting to experiment with fermenting and my husband has been watching old reruns of the TV show Moonshiners and he said last week... "I wonder if any of my cousins have grandpa's Dago Red wine recipe"... and we just went with it!

Side note: I got him hooked on the TV show and sent him subliminal messages- lol.. so now he thinks it was ALL his idea... shhhhh!


woohoo and good for you! making something consumable is such a lovely way to show affection & appreciation for people, especially when it speaks to something extra personal like their heritage.

Yes I am SUPER excited about this one. I can't wait to add the yeast tomorrow then start peeking in every day to see the foaming effect!

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