Making Dandelion Oil & Salve

in #homesteadersonline6 years ago (edited)


Making Dandelion Oil & Salve

Before I could make this salve, I had to first prepare the dandelion oil. When I first made this I was concerned with it being difficult; but let me tell you... if I can do this, you can do this. It's that simple and easy.

Our yard, the field across the way and the edge of the creek bed are all loaded with dandelions right now and I'm tempted to take my baby girl for a walk for some post-surgery exercise and forage up a few bagfuls of dandelions for making a batch of homemade dandelion wine.

My last gallon of wine will be ready for the final racking this weekend and I will have three empty one-gallon glass jugs looking for a new wine to ferment. I've already researched and found the dandelion wine (with a citrus undertone) that I want to experiment with.

Dandelion Oil

  • One cup of freshly picked dandelion heads/flowers
  • One glass jar large enough to hold flowers and oil
  • Carrier oil (I used EVOO) with enough to cover dandelions completely and 1/2" over the top of the flowers
  • Favored essential oil (optional)

Thoroughly clean the flowers to remove debris, bugs and dirt. Let sit out on a towel for about 24-hours to dry and allow the moisture to be removed. flowers need to be completely dry or you risk the chance for molding and spoilage

Drop dried flowers into jar and cover with oil until 1/2" of the oil is over the top of the flowers.It's OK if some of th flowers float to the top; they will eventually sink to the bottom of the jar below the oil line.
Let the oil sit in the jar with a piece of cheesecloth, paper towel or napkins over it but with a snug fit. You want air to be able to circulate but not allow any dust or dirt inside with the flowers and oil. I used a mason jar with a napkin that was secured with the jar's ring; you can also use a rubber band.

Set the oil and flower jar in a sunny window sill for up to two weeks. I let my jar brew in the window sill for 10 days. If you let it sit too long, it can mold and spoil.

Dandelion Salve

Using cheesecloth, a colander and the oil-soaked dandelions, drain off the oil into a clean bowl or jar. Discard the dandelion flowers and cheesecloth. Set the oil aside.
Measure one-ounce of beeswax (I use the beeswax dots for easier and faster melting) and put into the top of a double-boiler pan. I use a pot filled with water and an old mason jar; makes it easier for pouring into smaller jars when finished.

Start the beeswax melting over a rolling boil in the double-boiler set up. Once the beeswax begin to melt, add the dandelion oil. Once well blended and the beeswax is completely solidified, remove from heat. Add in about 30-40 drops of chosen essential oil. I used lemon this time. Normally I use eucalyptus, but wanted a different scent as Mr. Golden D said the eucalyptus one reminds him of his grandfather and arthritis cream; so I appeased him this time.

Immediately, but carefully, using heat resistant gloves or pot holders, pour into clean glass jars to cool.

Once cooled, I usually wait about 12 hours to avoid moisture/humidity build up which can ruin the salve, cover with screw on - tight lid. This salve should last for about one year.

Dandelion Salve Uses

  • GREAT for sore muscles
  • Perfect for aches and arthritic joints
  • Fabulous for rough, chapped skin (elbows, knees)
  • Perfect for skin abrasions and light surface cuts on skin

I added the oil from three capsules of Vitamin E and 1/4 teaspoon of Tea Tree Oil to the liquid before pouring into the prepared jars for extra moisturizing on the skin

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Oh! I could make 55 gallon drums of this stuff..LOL
Funny, I was just telling @jackmiller that same thing - he mentioned the many uses of dandelions after I was joking about how there's grass growing in my dandelion field.

Dandelion Salve Uses
GREAT for sore muscles
Perfect for aches and arthritic joints
Fabulous for rough, chapped skin (elbows, knees)
Perfect for skin abrasions and light surface cuts on skin

I'm sold! I'm gonna get pickin'! And a dandelion wine? please do tell!! That sounds way less labor intensive than grape growing and much faster 😂

Oh this is a great salve! I use it when I get bug bites from working out in the garden. My husband uses it on rashes.... or when we have sore muscles from working outside too much in a day... it is so versatile! And SO easy to make. The longest (hardest) part is waiting for the oil to brew for 10-14 days.

But the dandelion wine??? Oh yes! I have plans to do that in the next week or two. I may even to a video for it. I've already made two batches of red (grape wine) and one of blackberry wine.

But with the over-abundance of dandelions right now, it would be a shame to see them go to waste.

55-gallon drum? WHOLLY SCHMOLLY! You're gonna need a few thousand cups of dandelions!

I might have enough..haha seriously this year I have to say it's the most I've ever seen. maybe the weather is the culprit, but I can't recall seeing them this abundant before. I also have a few Blackberry bushes that I pick about 5-7 gallon buckets worth. I'd love to know how I can best utilize them as well.

I'm going to pick some dandelions today and see how many I can collect and I'll get them rinsed and dried. Will certainly be trying a few experiments because I have too many to not try something. I'll keep my eyes peeled for your dande-wine recipe for sure!!

I know between my lot and the neighbors that we could easily make a drum or two - it is that bad (good?) this year 🤣

Awesome easy to follow instructions!

SUPER easy! The hardest part is waiting for the oil to be ready

For me the hardest part would be finding the dandelions!

I have many dandelions on the roof, but didnt know they can be useful :) Will bring them down tomorrow and make the dandelions oil. This was very helpful, keep it up!

AWESOME for you! But I have to ask... on the roof? DO you have a roof garden? I can't remember...

You will love the salve. The oil can be used also for the same things listed above. I just prefer the salve to the oil.

No! I know it is a bit strange even for me. It is just a normal roof but some plants are growing there. I wished we could have a garden :) This plant is everywhere even in old furniture and electronics.


It's not easy to find dandelions here, but I have some sample of Tea Tree Oil, now I now what to use it for. Thanks for the 'recipe'!

I'm bookmarking this because I want to try it out. Thank you very much @goldendawne for this detailed post! Have a nice evening.

Oh wow, this is great stuff! I REALLY need to find some dandelions!

This is awesome! The kids were eating dandelion blossoms dipped in homemade honey mustard yesterday, but there are still plenty more for picking. I do hope you share the dandelion wine recipe!

OH wow!!! That sounds like such a healthy snack for them! I can remember when we were little and my grandma would have us pick dandelions for her. SHe would add them to her pickled watermelon rind.

Ooo... this sounds right up my ally!

You really should try it- so much healthier and better for you than those store bought (chemical filled) sore muscles' creams and ointments.

My son loves picking the dandelion flowers each time we are outdoors. Now that I learnt the oil can be used for arthritic joints, I might give it a try. Thank you for sharing the recipe.

It really is so soothing! It just glides across your achy skin.

Okay, now I'm jealous! You make wine too!! Just don't tell my husband!

I made some comfrey salve recently and was so amazed how simple it was. I have been using the method of heating the oil gently though as I didn't get much extracted from the cold method. I wonder if it was because I dried them too well, so they were brittle.

I have comfrey in the herb/flower garden right now- waiting to use it for salve probably next year.

I make wine... give it away as gifts. We don't drink but in case of the end of the world I'll have a good stockpile of alcohol- lol

I rarely drink myself, but hubby will take whatever's going! Lol!

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