Kitchen Happenings: Fermenting & What's Hanging In My Closet, Homemade Shampoo & Not Wasting A Single Cracker Crumb

in #homesteadersonline7 years ago (edited)


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Another week has passed since my last Kitchen Happenings post and let me tell you... there has been a lot brewing here!

I have been expanding my fermenting skill and started making kombucha, experimenting with my milk kefir and making more cheese plus adding the kefir to my breakfast fruit yogurt cups and I started my own sourdough bread starter. I've also been a little concerned with the horrible dry air we've been subjected to here in the north and made my own moisturizing shampoo. Then another day I spent about twenty minutes grinding and chopping up stale/broken crackers for reuse in the kitchen.

So lets get started!


Sourdough Bread Starter


I'm on day five of this bread starter and it is beginning to really bubble up. Every time I go to feed it, I inhale deeply! Just a few more days and it will be ready to make a loaf of bread. Just in time for the weekend! I had asked a few people I know locally about getting a cup of starter dough, but couldn't find any; so I set to making my own. I have never started one from scratch so this was thrilling for me to do.


Yes! I took the SCOBY I received from a neighbor and finally got the tea brewing!


I'll keep you all up to date on the progress!

Cheese Hanging In The Closet


The other day I did a post about Additions To My Fermenting/Homesteading Home Library and in one of the fermenting books (the Idiot's Guide book) there was a kefir recipe to dry out the milk kefir as if you were making cream cheese. BUT... instead of refrigerating it, you were supposed to hang it somewhere in cheesecloth and let it dry out for about 2-3 days. Once it was dried out,you take it and roll it into balls, put in a jar and cover with olive oil and herbs.

Well, being the cheese freaks that we are in this house, I made some up.



I added some dehydrated basil and oregano for an extra flavorful bite when I'm ready to eat it.

By the time it had been hanging for three days, I had about two-cups of whey that had dripped into the bowl below. AMAZING how much liquid was in that milk kefir cheese!


Finished product just waiting to be nibbled on later!

Shampoo Recipe


This winter has been so dry and cold; my hair is beginning to feel like straw. No matter what I do how much I do or don't condition it and the store bought shampoo feels as though it's causing a build-up. So I took charge and researched making my own moisturizing shampoo. After a few websites and recipes, I concocted my own.

  • One can coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup Castile Soap (Almond)
  • Bergamot EO- about 10 drops

I combined all three of these together in a squeeze bottle and have been using the shampoo for almost six days. The first two days, my hair felt a little heavy, BUT very soft. After the fourth day of use, I really noticed the difference. My split ends were almost gone, the softness of my hair was definitely noticeable and it just felt healthier. It's nice to switch it up a little and not use the regular shampoo. I am thrilled with the results so fair and will be using this shampoo for a few weeks, before switching it up again; or coming up with another recipe. The combined almond (Castile Soap) with the coconut milk was HEAVENLY too!


Reusing Those Dang Broken Crackers

You pay a fortune for crackers and this is what happens! The last three boxes we've opened of this pretzel cracker, over half have been busted and not worthy of dipping. So what do I do? Collect them and once this bowl is full, I toss themin the food processor and use in other recipes. Hubby says, "ahh, throw them away! They're useless!"... I say, "WHAT?! Oh heck no!"



I turned that bowl of crumbles into a tasty breading for the venison back strap dinner the other night. I waited until we were done. Then asked hubby...
"So, yummy, huh?"

"Yeah it was.. delicious!"

"Good." Smirking and going to do the dishes. Yeah, I get to be smug here.


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Thanks for the tips and ideas about homemade foods and shampoo. Already make the kombucha, but the cheese looks amazing for homemade pizza plus as you say to nibble. Have a great day. 🐓🐓

Guess it was your turn to make ME hungry! Thanks for sharing!

EVERY post I see.. you're always eating!!! LOVED the Quail Scotch eggs one the other day!

Thats is a pretty good representation of my day to day life too! 😆😆😆

Those eggs have become one of my favorite foods to make. Im going to play around with some other ideas for them so stay tuned!

My husband started making kombucha recently and of course me, not knowing anything about it thought it was one of the weirdest things ever! I found the container and confronted him and when he explained what the scoby was I thought it was a science experiment gone wrong! I tried it though and it was actually pretty good 😂

OMGosh! That is too funny!
But yeah, it does kind of look like a science experiment gone wrong!

Yeah I had the same reaction in my house too....especially after i started adding fruits for flavoring. Are you making with fizz or without?

I love reading these posts. I always smile when you share with us from your world. Women thriving!

I don't buy crackers because I don't like all the additives. So I make my own. The current favourite flavour is oatmeal spice!

Oh YAY!! Is it your own recipe? Or have you found one online and customized it?
I'm looking for a hearty one for dips and also one kind of like Cheez-its.

I think it was originally a recipe for Bannock bread, but we experimented with it, added spices and cheese and flattened the dough balls down. Placed them in a panini machine and got these crispy crackers with ridges perfect for dipping in hummus.

cool @cecicastor. I have an ancient cracker recipe also. They are really good

Nothing like a homemade cracker and roasted red pepper hummus!

Stop already I haven't had lunch!

And now I am hungry after seeing that yummy looking backstrap. Nothing tastes better than Government Beef. Good ole sourdough. Practically lived on that back in the day. Pancakes, biscuits, bread. Did you make yours with milk or potato? Once upon a time I had a starter that originated 80 years ago. It does smell good when it's bubbling along nicely. I ran my crock over a few times, lol, not much fun cleaning up. I'm sure you know not to let kombucha get into your septic system. I have heard it is a real monster. :) As soon as I find out what bergamot is, I think I may try the shampoo. I've got a stray can of coconut milk around here. Would something like Dr. Bonners, castile soap work?
Great article, as usual. Don't know how you fit it all in!

Yes Dr Bonners would work. I used the SImply Honest brand (I believe it's called- can't remember at the moment) .

We're not on a septic here- but yeah.. I can imagine the growth! OMGosh!!

I've never heard of kombucha before this post, but I'm not a huge cheese fan, especially if its not melted completely. :D Its interesting to see someone making cheese though. I didn't realize it takes so long to make. How long does the cheese last once you have it made?
I've never thought about making my own shampoo before this post either. :D How long does it take to make a batch of shampoo? How do you store it? How long does it last once its made? Does it go bad if not used?
Sorry for all the questions, just trying to figure out if its worth trying to learn to make my own shampoo. :D
God bless you. :D Have an awesome day! :D

According to the recipe in the book it can have a shelf life indefinitely as long as it's a cool and dark location.

I mixed the shampoo up in maybe a minute. Just combined the three ingredients and it was ready to use. It will last about a month. So I made a small batch- about 15 ounces.

Wow indefinitely is a long time, at least that makes the length of time to make it worth while. :D Very cool. :D
Making my own shampoo could be fun, especially if it doesn't take too long to make it. :D I might have to try that in the future. :D Thanks. :D
Have an awesome day! :D

Omg so much yes!!! The cheese is epic!!! I did not picture cheese when you said you had something hanging in the closet haha!! Kombucha oh yes baby!! I am addicted:)
Your hair must love the shampoo, it looks gorgeous!!

lol- glad I could keep you in suspense!

I'm gonna let the cheese sit and )as Rachael Ray says) marry the herbs together before we sample. Perfect timing with the Superbowl this weekend. WIll make a nice snack to have on hand.

Girl you are so talented I need to do these things but until I feel better o have been very very ill and still am but I'm going to resteem not only for others to see but to have it on my wall so when I'm better I can do it, fantastic post my friend best wishes always❤️

Hope you get to feeling better soon!
Been missing your posts!

This is a great post! I have made homemade komucha in the past. My middle daughter actually called our Mother "Bucha". we used to make a new batch every week but my family unfortunately never drank enough to be worth the effort. Now that my youngest are 2 and half I am going to try again!
I have raw milk in the freezer waiting to be turned in fresh cheese.....I am going to follow your directions and see how it goes! Thanks for the great content.

Raw milk in the freezer! really? Never thought to use that for cheese. I'll have to watch and see what kind you make.

Will do and share when Im done!

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