It's Ginger Time! Sowing The Nodes & Learning More About This "Spicy" Root


Image Source-Pixabay

Planting Ginger Nodes

I love adding slivers of ginger to my herbal teas, certain culinary dishes and smoothies; sometimes I'll add to lemonade just for an extra kick of refreshment. So instead of buying it all the time, I figured I would attempt to grow my own this season; and since this something I can grow indoors, I figured why not?. I have the grow tent set up if needed and since it can take a few months for the ginger to really start growing and producing, I'll have plenty of room. I'll be unloading the plants and herbs that are in the grow tent in about six weeks- give or take- to the greenhouses outside, so I figured now was as good as time as any to get the ginger started.


Ginger soaking in warm water for 24-hours before sowing and planting

  • Use organic, or propagated, ginger that is not shriveled but is firm
  • Soak ginger rhizome nodes in warm water for 24 hours before planting
  • Cut into pieces making sure each section has one node
  • Let air dry for 2-3 days after 24-hour soak (helps prevent rotting)
  • Use wide pot to plant in, placing ginger in well-drained container and moist soil with the nodes facing up and place nodes/pieces about 12 inches apart. Ginger needs space to grow since it grows more sideways then up.
  • Cover with about two inches of soil and water lightly
  • Place in a cool place- meaning no direct sunlight until it starts to sprout (about 2 months)
  • Keep soil moist BUT DO NOT overwater
  • Harvest when plant stops growing, leaves begin to turn yellow and only cut off from what is above the soil/ground. The root that is unearthed.


Benefits Of Ginger

  • Good for reducing nausea
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce pains from exercise if used daily- joint pain
  • Aids in digestive issues
  • Can help reduce sugar levels in body
  • Could help reduce cholesterol levels
  • May reduce infections
  • Can improve brain and memory functions
  • Helps with heartburn
  • Strengthens immune system

So in about eight weeks I'll be hopefully updating you all with some progress of my ginger's growth and production.


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Here is where I am going to order some Turmeric tubers from. They say they are easy to grow, we will find out. LOL. Going to try some ginger too, as soon as I find some nodes.
This would make a great giveaway a turmeric tube!

Oh if you're having a contest and giveaway for turmeric I will enter.. ten ties over. lol

Thanks for the link. I'll have to check it out.

It is hard to find and many people want some tubers, along with me. I finally found this website this morning that has some for sale and not sold out. With shipping and all, it was like 26 dollars and some change for 10 tubers.

Yeah... I see that. $15 for the tubers and I haven't figured out the shipping, etc yet

I recently curated ginger planting curation post. And while doing that I checked out some of the youtube videos specific to ginger plant. I learned that there are different size of ginger that has slightly off white color and some were brown. Lot of things to learn about nature :)


Good luck with this! I am excited to see your progress. I've tried it trying it now but our house is too cold/dark it seems.

I have mine sitting on the gardening table in the back of the kitchen. Fairly dark there (no direct sunlight right now as I have the shades drawn closed) and it's away from the stove, etc so should remain on the cooler side.

I love ginger and it is easy to plant. And if you forget you planted it there will be a beautiful flower to remind you where you planted it. Thanks for the post so other people can benefit from it.

I was looking at some pictures earlier and had never realized ginger could or would bloom.

Yes they do. I don't have a picture of that I made myself but I just planted some ginger and shall let it grow till it blooms.

I should grow some ginger. I've been using it a lot lately and it would be nice to have my own crop! Thanks for the directions on placing it sideways like that.

I never would have thought to place them sideways either. But it makes sense when you start thinking about it.

Very nice post
Ginger works great for nausea.
Works great for sea sickness if you eat it before going out in boat.

I had read about morning sickness relief and the nausea help really had me because I experience nausea on a daily basis due to my auto-immune disease. The ginger in my herbal tea, as well as the other herbs I use, does help to ease some of it.

I can't wait to see what your harvest looks like. I have been growing my own ginger here on the homestead for about 4 years. I have had great success with it and have had a really great crop this year. I am in the process of making some ginger beer. This is the second batch I have tried. The first batch was a little strong so we'll see what happens with this one.

Oh ginger beer??? That sounds good. I'm not a big beer person, or alcohol consumer, but the thought of ginger makes it sound so inviting.

Strong on the ginger side of flavor?

Ginger beer isn't alcoholic. It's kinda like ginger ale, but generally stronger. There are many brands, but some are better than others. The sugar content and sharpness varies. If you like ginger, you'll probably like this... although it can be very sugary.

Now see I'd probably like that- I'm sitting here right now sipping a ginger ale familiar to the people in Michigan called Vernor's. Made and distributed here in my state.


Right on! Yeah, you'd probably like it. Your local grocery store probably has something. If not, Costco has a ginormo pack of one brand.

Strong on ginger flavour, light on alcohol.

I really like ginger as well. I'm going to have to try this and see what I get.

I am curious to see how this goes. Generally I have decent luck with attempting new plants, etc

Whoa! Super cool. I love ginger and would love to grow this one day when I have a garden. Yes!!
Are these from your ginger harvest?

No I got them at an organic market here. In my reading it said if you can't propagate from an actual ginger root to try using organic root from a quality store. So that's what I did for this.

Nice! I missed the part about you starting off with the organic store roots. Hope to see the outcome of your ginger roots. Exciting!

I just planted my cured roots this morning. This is the second round, the first round is almost 3' high. They are on a heat mat, as ginger does NOT like to be below 60F. I will be looking to see how yours does!

I'll be adding it to the grow tent for the warmth; the light I have in there does put off some heat and I just talked to my dad a little while ago about adding the shelves I need. He said he knows exactly what to do so he's going to help me get it set up- He made me so happy!

The first round, when did you plant the nodes?

According to the post I made, around the first of January. :)) They had sprouted around February 2nd.

Ginger sprouts crop Feb. 2018.jpg

Awesome!! Can’t wait to see what happens next.

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