Accidental Backyard Foraging Discovery: We Have Motherwort!


55-gallon pickle barrels in their new home awaiting some greens

Some of you may remember these two extra 55-gallon pickle containers I got for free last summer and left sitting around until I had a specific plan for their future. Well, I have the plan... I'm making these my GREENS containers. Spinach, lettuce, arugula, radicchio and more!!

Went to Mr Golden D's work shop last night and he cut them in half for me. Then he placed them in the back of the property near the creek bed for me.

And while we were placing the half-barrels in their new homes for the summer and autumn, I happened upon yet another new plant I spotted growing near the garlic mustard I found last Sunday.


Once again, my "Picture This- Plant Identification" app came in handy last night. Before we headed inside, I whipped out my phone, snapped a picture and started searching. I can't recall seeing this plant last summer, but then again I didn't really use this part of the yard last year for any gardening. But as I am expanding my garden this year; adding more varieties and spreading my gardening options across the 1/3-acre of land we have.

Much to my joy, I discovered we have common Motherwort growing right near the garlic mustard. I got all excited... and once again, Mr Golden D looked at me with mystified eyes. Then I started explaining to him all the wondrous uses for Motherwort and he slowly started to realize my excitement was justified.

When I was out there Sunday and found the garlic mustard, I either hadn't seen the Motherwort or it hadn't been as obvious or defined at that time.

Here you can see the Motherwort with a little bit of the garlic mustard on the left side. So far wild edibles, plants and herbs I have found on our property include:
  • Raspberries
  • Burdock
  • Garlic Mustard
  • Motherwort

Now I am anxious every day to cruise through the back of the property and the creek bed for more plants, herbs and possible edibles.

According to WebMD:

Motherwort is used for heart conditions, including heart failure, irregular heartbeat, and heart symptoms due to anxiety. It is also used for the absence of menstrual periods, painful menstrual periods, menopause symptoms, intestinal gas (flatulence), cancer, sleep problems, asthma, and over-active thyroid (hyperthyroidism).

Some people apply motherwort directly to the skin for wounds, itching and shingles.

Other uses I discovered in my research include:

  • For reducing anxiety
  • For reducing stress
  • To help lower blood pressure
  • For sleep disorders
  • For menstruation and cramping issues

I can dehydrate some for my herbal teas, I can make extracts and tinctures from the Motherwort and am thrilled with my new foraging find and for unearthing this splendid wild plant!

According to Herbal Remedies Advice's website:

Common Motherwort Combination
Motherwort is commonly used in formulas, depending on its intended use. Here are some common combinations:

For anxiety, combine motherwort with passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) or pasqueflower (Pulsatilla occidentalis).
For the heart, combine motherwort with hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) and rose (Rosa spp.).
For hot flashes and anxiety associated with menopause, combine motherwort with black cohosh (Actaea racemosa).
For dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), combine motherwort with Dang Gui (Angelica sinensis).
For loss of appetite due to nerves, combine motherwort with chamomile (Matricaria recutita) and/or lemon balm (Melissa officinalis).

Guess who'll be outside this morning harvesting some common Motherwort?


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My sister planted motherwort in the original herb gardens. When it died, I never replaced it because around here, it's VERY invasive. I find it all over the place. one of the rare plants that is invasive around this farm.

I use those same barrels for cattle and goat feeders. I never thought about turning them into garden beds. Great idea. Thanks for sharing!

THAT'S a great idea! These barrels are so versatile!

Cool find! That picture the plant app, is it possible to mistake one plant for another or is it pretty accurate?

It gives you the top possibilities with very descriptive info. Then you eliminate which ones it's not. Of the last five plants flowers or leaves I've uploaded it was 100% accurate each time

What a wonderful place you got there. Edible herbs and plants just around waiting to be harvested. First time I have heard about motherwort with a lot of medicinal properties. Nature's medicines are the best. I'm not sure if we have it here or if it would grow here.

great use of the barrels @goldendawne, very innovative. Also the education about the Motherwort is fascinating. Ya know, with so many healing properties you'd think they could have come up with a better name though!
so for the internal conditions which Motherwort would improve, you just dry it and make a tea with it? and hope it tastes drinkable?

what a fantastic discovery! i love motherwort and just got some from a friend for our homestead this year.

Love foraging near home! We already discovered puffballs growing around us. Can't wait to see what else this season has in store.

Ha!I was thinking the same thing as @bowentoyer feeders. Motherwort is a great herb to have in the cupboard.

Yes it is! I actually had it on my_seed buying list_ for this year but didn't believe I'd have enough room in the herb/flower garden for it... so this was a nice surprise last night.

Garlic Mustard we have aplenty, but never seen Motherwort here in Wales.

Sounds like I need to get some motherwort in my garden!

Very cool @goldendawne!

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