Calling All Homesteaders...

in #homesteaders7 years ago

Have you ever had an idea that insisted on being explored?

Thanks Pixabay!

Usually, dismissing some of my more hare-brained ideas is not a challenge. The flaws and obstacles are obvious and many, therefore, it's easy to brush them aside.

But every now and then, there will be one that refuses to go away. It doesn't fall apart at the first whisper of opposition.

In fact, it gains strength from bumping up against arguments to the contrary. Until ignoring it is not an option. (This is how my pet-sitting business came to be, btw.)

As a matter of fact, I've floated an outline of the concept in question already – very, very briefly – to the Steemit Homesteaders Slack Community. It sparked enough interest to encourage me to organize my thoughts and to present an understandable version to a wider audience.

To do that, I'm going to have to break this 'Introduction' into three separate sections. The first two will be focused on descriptions and capabilities of two distinct systems. The third will focus on how pairing these systems could benefit not only a specific community, but all the rest of us as a result.

So, please, bear with me as I piece this together. Thanks in advance!


We'll start with the definition:


  1. Done in cooperation with others: a cooperative effort.

  2. Marked by willingness to cooperate; compliant: a cooperative patient.

  3. Of, relating to, or formed as an enterprise or organization jointly owned or managed by those who use its facilities or services: a cooperative department store; cooperative apartment buildings.


  1. An enterprise or organization that is owned or managed jointly by those who use its facilities or services.

  2. a. A building or complex in which the residents buy shares of stock in a building corporation and are given a lease to a specific apartment.
    b. An apartment in such a building or complex.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

The specific definition I'm using here is the third one - regarding forming an enterprise and/or organization. The main group would be comprised of our Homesteader Community here on Steemit and on YouTube.

The concept is to form a global organization to allow these separate entities to come together under one umbrella and the purposes would be many-fold.

This organization would cover the various facets of homestead life, including resources for education on best practices and innovative solutions to problems.

Co-Operatives in the United States must abide by Local, State and Federal laws. Depending on those laws, it may be advisable to explore every member's local regulations to find the best fit for the goals of the organization.

The members of the organization establish the by-laws under which the organization will operate, generally by voting on the policies and electing people to positions to carry out those policies. There are even organizations to help get new Co-Ops set up!

CooperationWorks! — or CW for short — is the Center of Excellence for cooperative business development. We are a dynamic and innovative national cooperative created to grow the cooperative model across the United States.

CW members, a national network of Cooperative Development Centers, work together to revitalize communities through effective cooperative enterprise development. Members provide expertise across all aspects of cooperative development, including feasibility analysis, business plan development, training and education.

The reason this business model is ideal for Homesteaders is the flexibility to tailor services and products to their specific needs and concerns. They know what works for a small-scale operation, but do not usually have the resources available like the large-scale operations do.

One very dark chapter played out recently for our dear friend, @wholesomeroots. She and her family were basically on their own trying to solve a deadly mystery that claimed several of their goats. If she hadn't doggedly insisted on following up, the reason for the deaths still would not be known. The information she uncovered could save untold amounts of grief and loss - if she had a way to distribute that knowledge.

A Co-Op would give her the platform to reach the folks who would most need that information. It could also provide a mentoring program to make sure that knowledge is carried forward by subsequent generations.

I've made a (very rough draft) chart of the structure I'm describing. Obviously, any and all of this would be up for discussion and vote by the members. This chart is for explanatory purposes only. (However, it does offer a hint on the second system mentioned earlier.)

My queries are:

Would something like this be a benefit to the Homestead Community?

Would Homesteaders actually be interested in forming AND operating a Co-Op?

Upvote, ReSteem,


Dislosure Statement:
I am not a Homesteader, but I am very eager to see as many homesteads prosper as possible.
My vested interest in this venture is peace of mind - knowing my food isn't going to kill me.


Thanks so much for the mention! I'm touched that I could inspire anyone! I am very passionate about Homesteading and glad to help anyone with any issues! I think your ideas are great and can't wait to see what else you develop!

You're most welcome!

What you went through was heartbreaking and the lack of resources/answers was an eye-opener for me. If you hadn't insisted on solving the puzzle, who knows what would have happened... Thanks to you, other homesteaders now have a vital bit of knowledge that can save lives. That's no small thing!

I hope to have the second part posted tomorrow after I finish a researching a few things and make sure I have my facts straight.

Information is not knowledge.

- Albert Einstein

True. This idea could turn information INTO knowledge.

Of course! This is a great idea! Something like this would help me find out what has been picking my tomatoes and running off with them halfway down my property and chewed halfways! No other vegetable or fruit has been touched. Weird....

Do you have any photos of the half eaten tomatoes? I may be able to help by the clues!

Thank you! As soon as I get home I'll take a picture

Dogs, birds, the options are endless!

Sorry to hear that! Sounds like feral teens or a demented vegan... ;~P

Seriously, though, a co-op could provide a place to see if anyone else has had similar issues. It could be a searchable database compiled by members and become a long-standing library or historical record. That's why @wholesomeroots' story about losing her goats to a mystery illness spurred on this concept. Same thing with produce being damaged or destroyed. I wonder if your neighbors are losing tomatoes the same way...

hahaha yes could be!
I think one of my neighbors has a problem with squirrels and rats eeek!

I think your co-op is an awesome idea!

A really good idea, @aunt-deb! I believe a co-operative (formal or informal, local or global) is always something worth trying. The way I see it, it's lending a helping hand whenever and wherever possible, which the co-op will return when need arises. The one thing that makes this co-op interesting is that its members are dispersed all around the globe. To draw us a bit closer is what got me to think of the Steem Around the World Challange. (You can take a look at my past few posts, or just wait till tomorrow's update.) So yes, forming a co-operative with the Steemit Homesteading group, or tightening the established bonds, is something I can imagine doing. The only thing that makes my hair stand at end is the idea of voting for others to represent us in public offices. I tend to avoid that whenever I can. Instead, I'm a big fan of consensus decisions, which always requires everyone to speak their mind, and accommodate. So let's say if everybody but one agree on something, then all (including the one who disagrees) must try to find solutions that's acceptable for everyone. Okay, this may not be the most important thing at this point, but from everything you mentioned the only one I would modify.

Thank you for your well thought out comment. You raise a valid point and voting on anything these days is dicey, to be sure.

Not being developer, I'm not sure what is actually possible, but I would imagine something could be devised for a consensus scenario.

I'll certainly check out your posts! This is the first I've heard of it. Thanks for the heads up! Following now so I don't miss any more.

Great write-up! This is a wonderful idea and we would most definitely be interested in joining something like this. I would love to see a seed-exchange as well as a place to go and trouble-shoot various issues such as plant/animal disease, pest and predator problems, etc. Maybe even a barter table? I think this project has legs and I look forward to its development.

Thank you! Co-ops and agriculture have long gone hand in hand, so it seems a natural fit for this community. A barter table would be an excellent addition and could find a niche in the General Store and / or the Jobs Board. The possibilities are exciting to develop and I'm sure more will pop up along the way. Y'all are a very creative and innovative bunch!

I'm interested to see where this goes. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help the project along.

Good to hear and I certainly will! Thanks for commenting!

Great idea! Would be very helpful to a lot of people that grow or live homesteader lifestyles. Good reference tool. 🐓🐓

Thank you! A member could use the services / products that suit their operation, which is important because every operation is unique. Plus, y'all can shape the organization to meet needs as they come up. I can see a major upswing in collaboration just by giving folks a stable place to gather.

Absolutely, we already have a pretty good thing going on. Your idea would just make it better. 🐓🐓

I'm not an off grid homesteader myself, but I will support your endeavor however I can :)

Thanks! I'm guessing we've both had enough farm stand fruit and veggies to appreciate what these folks 'bring to the table' (pun intended, lol). With all the scary stuff going on with our food industry, it's comforting to know there are healthy options locally.

By the way - oddball question... have you ever had grass-fed beef?

Oh I get all my beef from a farmer buddy from down the road. I been getting his beef for over 20 years. I see the beef out grazing on grass/alfalfa all the time :)
I show and tell about it in this vid.

Awesome haul and I'm envious of those roasts...

I hadn't had it until about 5-6 years ago. I couldn't believe the difference!

Aunt Deb - I think I have stumbled very late into this conversation but it seems like a wonderful idea to me! We are especially interested in the exchange of high-quality educational information through these decentralized communities - but job-boards, seed sharing and some of those other ideas seem like they would be a blessing as well!

Have you any updates about your thought process? Going to check your blog now ;p

It's been a while, yes, but the concept is still percolating away in my thoughts. I did do a breakdown of each piece and how they could fit together. In the meantime, my work schedule got very busy. Things seem to be settling down again, so I hope to have the time to explore the mechanics in more detail.

I like this idea because it is specifically the homesteading and sustainability communities that have me enamored with this platform - if we could make our own implementations of community or technological add-ons it would be even better!

Exactly! The possibility of a fully networked global community focused on tending the land and watching out for each other has massive potential. This is do-able!

I think it would be a really good idea. I have no idea how to go about setting up something like this, but I'm sure the information is out there.

Thanks! You're correct - the info is definitely out there to be had. There are quite a few different versions, too. I'm sure it would be a substantial task, but thankfully, it's a one-time thing. After that, it's tweaking the rough bits.

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