A Good Bad Day

in #homestead7 years ago (edited)

Today, it seemed like a lot of stuff went the wrong way.

I did so much frickin laundry today. It was the Laundrocalypse. I'm pretty sure every article of clothing that exists in my house got laundered. And the stuff that didn't get laundered was packed away in boxes because it a)doesnt fit, or b) isnt seasonally appropriate. Still have two loads left. I may have neglected that partuicular duty recently.

It was rainy this morning. And cold.

My tractor has a flat tire.20171021_155046.jpg

So doing chores was a little different. But I managed with the assistance of my parents, who happened by with their truck.

The sun eventually came out. And my brother-in-law ( @edthecanadian ), his two sons, and my mother-in-law also came out to the farm for the day. So that was good!

Although, the projects the guys were working on were not without their setbacks! There's this tractor we have that needs a lot of fixing up, and currently, the only way to start it is to pull-start it.
Which is all fine and good, except when it runs out of gas in an awkward place and needs pull started again.
But they managed. And got lots of things done eventually. Here they are pounding fence posts.

They also tried to start an old truck. @edthecanadian was on fire. And I don't mean he was awesome (which he is), I mean he was actually burning. I wasn't there, or I could have taken a picture of that. Or like, helped put the fire out. I guess that rain this morning maybe wasn't such a bad thing?

I started marking out lines for cutting the stringers for the stairs on my deck. Naturally, I screwed them up and had to start over.20171021_164501.jpg


I gotta say though, it was still a good day. Cooked some more tomatoes.20171021_155328.jpg
Had a delicious omelette for supper.20171021_185119.jpg
Got a nice picture of Lucky, sheep number 13 in my flock (yeah, you saw what I did there)20171021_153239.jpg

So, until tomorrow, which I hope is just as good as today, but better! Goodnight steemians!


"Rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey". Next time you sip your whiskey, think of how blessed your life is. God has such a beautiful imagination.


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