DENIED Access to My Body

in #homestead5 years ago

So I didn't get anything done outside today. I started my period yesterday and once I got moving around this morning, my energy levels quickly disappeared. Some people might think that's just a cop-out and I'm just making excuses. But I literally feel like I was at the gym all day yesterday. No energy and my whole body aches. Usually this only lasts the first day so I should be back to normal tomorrow. Or as normal as I can be. But it fucking sucks. So I've pretty much done nothing. Went into town, got my medication, came home, took my son to work, came home and just sat. Just helped my other son do the afternoon choirs since he will now have to take those over from his brother.

I also started taking my blood pressure medication again today after not having it for a couple of days. So not sure if that has anything to do with it.

But having a period fucking sucks. I'm actually looking forward to menopause. Probably won't be saying that once I'm going through it. But for fuck's sake, I hate my period.


Every sentence has a period but they never complain. 😂

Actually, some have question marks and exclamation points. Those could be considered complaints.

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