in #homestead5 years ago (edited)


The farm is ours, and so is all the work.😁 We set out to the farm last Friday and stayed until Monday. It was an amazing time.(even though it rained the first two nights.) It was myself, my boy Evan and Katie.(my fiancee) Speaking of her....

*A picture of my beautiful princess doing our dishes near our spring.

Evan had so much fun over the weekend. Mainly he rode the three wheeler and got to help out when we needed it. He helped with moving camp supplies, gathering wood, and tending to the dogs among other things.



He Evan managed to make a new friend over the weekend. A little baby Fence Lizard...


The hounds did their part as well. They were the nighttime protectors since we live in an area with bobcats, coyotes and the occasional mountain lion. And in return for their services they received freedom to do as they chose during the day.





Preparations began on my behalf and I got a few things done. First was mowing the pasture. It is about 3 acres(1.2 hectares) and hasn't been mowed yet this year. So a lot of it is taller then my head...and all I have to mow with is a little push mower. But I started the job and got about an acre mowed.


I also planted my ginseng roots in my designated "medicine garden." I planted them in the same area of the woods I had found a ginseng plant growing naturally, so I think they will do well there. And there is a mighty oak tree looking over them as a protector.


I was able to finish the process of clearing a path along the creek all the way to the spring, and made a path we can ride the three wheeler on to get there as well. This saves a huge amount of time and energy versus walking each time. I also removed some cut and some fallen trees from the path that leads to the top of Rattlesnake Ridge.


I feel good about the work we accomplished, and great about the family bonding and memories made. I hope to do at least a weekly update to the progress made on the homestead.(and of course the awesome fun we have.) Thanks to everybody who continues to support me and for being understanding about my lack of presence on the chain. I love you all!!!🤗🤗

A few more pictures of the weekend...

*Jenga....our way...add blocks instead of removing.😁

*Our Australian Cattle dog, Ella, sleeping in between shifts.

*Evan's Doberman, Evil, keeping an eye on the woods during a hike.

*A sunrise on a foggy morning at the homestead.

*A couple of wore out city dogs after a 4 day stay at the homestead.

*All pictures my own, taken with my Kyocera phone.


Nice brother congrats for the success. I am so proud of you to @johndoer123 you make me impress the success you made. Keep goin and we are here to support your new journey.

Thank you dear friend. We have a massive amount of work ahead of us. But i believe we can get it all done in a year or two. I appreciate your continued support and your dedication.🤗

That a long way brother you need to hire more people to help you finish within a year or a month...

Just so long as I don't see you pop up an episode of Homestead Rescue!!!

Not sure what homestead rescue is, but i agree i don't want to be a part of any rescue.😁 How are you and the family doing brother?

I'm not 100% sure I got the name right, but it's a show about a guy who's team goes around bailing out families who are trying to live life off the grid but have got out of their depth.

The family are going well, how's Evan?

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I hope I don't end up on that show!😁 And Yeah we are doing well. Evan is full of energy and is loving life, especially now that the farm is ours. How about yours? How are yous doing?

It looks like paradise. :)

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For us, it really is. I have 2orked so long and hard to get a place of my own in the middle of the country. Now that i have it,the real work will begin.
How are you and Camille doing brother? Still no kids? And are you still traveling? I thought i remembered reading that you were not traveling right now.

Well, we are married now and hopefully soon we will have a child :D. Only short trips now! :)

that's wide area brother, how many hectares is your farm? Does that tree's also yours, so the other side is ready to plow field? Wish to work in that land brother, I think it will be fun because it's so wide and the environment is nice.

It is 6 hectares dear friend. And yes that tree is mine. There are lots of trees like that one there. We will be cutting some of them down. Some to sell, and some to use on the farm. If you were here i would let you do as much work as you wanted.🤗

Awesome stuff :)

by knowing you have a farm now, I was already happy for you brother. Seeing this kind of bonding is made more happy. What I've said to you before. Someday God will bless because you're nice to everyone. Be back later coz my net won't let me see the photo's. Just reading your experiences what I did.

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Oohh My Goodness.. Evan really enjoy his new status as a farm boy! Whooaa.. it's so happy to see you really started the homestead and looking firward for the progress. Dish washing at the creek is something I'd done when I was out on a camping week with my fellows.

He really loves this place. As we all do. And we are trying to get a little bit better of a dish washing area set up for Katie.

I think Evil enjoys the place too.. and she looks pretty sad when you're back to the city😂

Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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A happy family indeed. So nice to see that Evans is having good time.

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I love this take on Jenga!
I'm really looking forward to watching your homestead come to life.

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