RE: Our property project to freedom 45! We are NOT crazy.
Your property looks beautiful! That old house looks like it could probably tell a story or two. Our family also thinks we are unconventional for living as debt free as we possibly can. We often here comments about just 'biting the bullet' to get things done. After buying our 50 acres we are no longer debt free but we do plan on doing much of the work ourselves to keep our debt load minimal so we can pay it off quickly. I suspect friends and family are judgemental because seeing other make sacrifies where they might be willing to would be uncomfortable. Plus, we live in a world of instant gratification and where we are taught that homes are a "healthy debt". I have said it before, and I will say it again "healthy debt" is a complete oxymoron.
Well, congratulations! I look forward to following your journey.
Thank you! Totally agree! Society and priorities are way off track! Makes us work even harder to prove it can be done! 👍 We can do anything if we put our minds to it!
I couldn't agree more! Since I wasn't able to vote in your article when it first came out, please consider my comment vote a delayed upvote! Cheers, Aimee