July/August homeschool miscellany

in #homeschooling7 years ago

July and August were a bit of a blur as some not fantastic events occurred which monopolised my thought processes. We got reacquainted with death when my last two cats died within two weeks of each other (the one before had died Christmas last year and we had also lost a guinea pig recently). There were some extended family dramas which didn't involve us directly which fortunately resolved before getting down and dirty with the legal system became necessary rather than advisable. Sprat was up for the semester break which is always great and the kids and I had lots of interesting conversations. Unfortunately I can't remember any of them.

It was fortunate that during one of the many times I was dragged out shopping with Sprat and 10yo I remembered to restock our paper (just your bog standard pack of A4 printer paper, nothing special) as 8yo asked me to fold him a paper plane. I did one and then showed him how to do it himself. After folding his first one he took off and started experimenting with what would happen if he folded the plane differently or made the wings different shaped or had symmetrical wings and what would happen if he stuffed one paper plane inside the other (answer: it flew kind of like a mildly aerodynamic rock).

Major highlight for August was the gymnastics regionals competitions. Our club hosted the girls level 4+ and a couple of weeks later all of the boys levels. We did the usual help with set up and reset, and for the boys comp we made brownies for the canteen to sell. From this we learned that 10yo, who has been struggling with maths, is actually really good at it when there's a reason to be doing it, as she worked out triple amounts faster than her much more adept older brother.

After the comps 10yo had a gymnastics friend sleep over. Like every other person they both love slime. So there was some pretty intense slime making. In this particular session it was "fluffy" slime (which I guess is fluffy in the same way meringue is fluffy).

Yeh it got messy.

It's really difficult to get 12yo writing at the best of times. Even when it's relevant we usually need a fidget cube to get through the ordeal. He's been thinking again about future careers and other such money making methods and has decided he wants to try Youtubing. I might try to swing him onto steem/dtube or bitchute instead, and ditto with 10yo.

The relevant writing here was getting 12yo to write a mindmap outlining the kind of gear he thinks he needs for his channel (he wants to do gaming related stuff) and what kind of content he should be producing and the kind of stuff he needs to know to be able to produce said content. He came up with quite a good little plan, and now all he needs to do is the bookwork and stuff he needs to do to be able to earn the money to buy the things he thinks he needs so he can do the things he wants to do.

We did a Scitech trip which is always a hit with the smalls. The biggest has been doing his pre-teen thing of "everything is boring". I suggested he start investigating things deeper and asking the staff questions and doing a few more experiments with the displays.

The earthquake shake table is always a hit with the smalls.

While 12yo is doing his FreeG classes 10yo will often practice her gymnastics elements on the carpeted area around the floor and out of the way of where people are walking/playing and 8yo is usually on his iPad or outside. I think this particular day was cold or rainy or both, as he collected some rocks and brought them back inside and made up a rather complicated game with them.

After drawing this Slugterra slug from reference he's also been a bit more confident about just dropping ideas onto paper without worrying about how they're not as good as his sister's drawings.

I'm not sure whether it was how the characters pronounced the slug's name or just how he heard it or just developing spelling skills in general that led him to sound out "Burpy" in that fashion, but it was a decent attempt.

Interspersed were our usual conversations, mostly discussing docos and things that the kids find on Youtube. 12yo has been really interested in discussing politics and is generally unimpressed with the behaviour and attitudes of politicians in general. We've also done a fair bit of character stereotypes and common plot devices in various forms of storytelling (mostly anime and film), and the smalls have been marathoning Deadly... and Horrible Histories. 12yo is seeking stories with deeper characters as he doesn't buy the good/evil dichotomy, so we're continuing to work through the Discworld novels we have and JJ has also started him on the Dune novels.

8yo has been devouring science and history books from the junior section of the library, he usually has them read to him for bedtime stories.

10yo is getting into poetry, enjoying My Country by Dorothea McKellar, and we've since been investigating some of the other poems in the poetry anthologies we have.

This post also appears on my blog.

I finally finished my glorified blogsite upgrade so I can theoretically do longer posts again, was reluctant before due to double posting to local and prod as otherwise keeping everything in sync was awful and then having to crosspost here aaaaaahhhhh XD

In only vaguely related news I love Drupal 8!

I'm saving up for a new focus cat (looking to get a mum and bub package from Cat Haven) and new focus cat supplies, so upvotes and resteems are more appreciated than usual :) (but only if you feel like it!)

Thanks for looking! ^_^

And come join us in the #teamaustralia Discord channel :D


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The steemaroo divider is free to use. Ask me nicely if you want an upgoat/cute critter footer.


Your kid can see through the simplisticy of good vs evil stories on his own? Solid!

Your family is so awesome. The Dune series was really influential for me. Enders game series too, they both pushed my imagination in new directions.

Thanks! ^_^ Yeh he even goes through stages where he wants the bad guys to win either because the good guys are dumb or he's just over it XD And will also play games as the bad guys because everyone wants to be a hero. He also loves anti-heroes, Deadpool being a fav. Mostly he just wants "real" characters and deeper stories :)

I think we may have the Ender's Game series kicking around too.


really great write up. I enjoyed seeing what your littles get up to in their learning. Keep it up mate!!

Thanks ^_^ They're starting to be not so little anymore, I'm going to have a teenager soon :O

Great post and you know I love to see kids learning! Hands on and engaged too!

Thanks ^_^ Yep, you're in exactly the right profession :D

Woohoo! A bundled Homeschool Miscellany post! It's great that you were able to fit everything here. I always look forward to reading this. It's been a blast getting to witness the progress here.

To say things got messy with the slime is a bit of an understatement, I think. Ugh, that dreaded "everything is boring" phase. I remember that like it was yesterday. So many interesting stuff and learning I passed on just because I felt like it was lame. If only I could turn the hands of time...

It would be interesting to see how he would approach Steemit or YouTube, escpecially when his mother is on here. I bet he'll have a more guarded approach. But, what's more interesting for me is if he would earn twice what we earn combined haha! Gaming is quite big there, so I won't be surprised.

It's cool that 8yo developed a complicated game just with rocks. Imagine if he would learn more complex systems. Oh the world would be his oyster!

JEDAU MY FRIEND. You are just in time to help me try out my new comment footer XD

The bundling is actually cheating a little bit, as July was such a blur that I didn't have much to say about it, and the beginning of August wasn't much better but at least I had lots of photos XD I was actually going to lump September in this one too but as it turns out I have enough content for that to warrant its own post, perhaps I am not such a fail after all ;D

Glad that you're enjoying the updates ^_^ The girls were pretty good and cleaned up after themselves, they were trying really hard to keep it clean, but they simply couldn't resist continually spraying the shaving foam. I tried to warn them what would happen if they added too much but what do I know about anything XD

I feel you on the learning front, I did bypass a few things that while I likely never would have followed them up anyway would have made for interesting experiences, either because I thought it was lame or because it's the kind of thing that no self-respecting stupid teenager would be caught dead doing XD

He may well be guarded, we tend to be pretty open with each other so I'd hope not. Also I'm a "benignly neglectful" parent (which basically means I plonk down guidelines and let him sort himself out, so not like I'm going to be stalking his comments or anything).

Gaming is pretty big but that also makes it super saturated and harder to get noticed if big is what you want to become too. I do hope they can make money doing what they love (whether that be a corporate wage slave job or something that would have their grandparents and other highly conservative types wringing their hands over how it's not a "real" job XD).

I'm sure 8yo could learn more complex systems, especially now that his readin his taking off. As long as he doesn't have to deal with customers/clients directly, I reckon he'll be right ;D


Oooohhhhh sassy sassy upgoat! I like it!! The lines are great, I really like the pen approach. Though, it could be cleaner on the right hind leg, no? A slight speck is nagging at me for some reason. Other than that, the uneven lines are awesome :D


The bendy neck really did it a lot of good. Gave upgoat a lot of character. How about a slight "tongue out" action? Would that be too much?

You could enlarge your sig more and make the lines more defined. I get that upgoat is the star of the image, but I feel that you deserve equal billing on this. The grass could also extend beneath upgoat? I'm not sure though, but I feel it could be good. A little more shading on the grass too, though I think it's too much.

I'm having too much fun critiquing a signature haha! I don't know what that says about my life haha!

I could just hear you sternly saying "Child, you need to learn this stuff or you'll make a post years from now saying that you wish you did!"

8yo is the one knee deep in philosophy, right?

The bundling is fine, what with the major life stuff that happened during that time.

LoL I love that you went to such an in-depth crit on the little comment footer XD I don't want it to be any bigger as the comment boxes are not as big as a post (especially when they start getting squishied down with the threading).

The size of the sig kind of needed to be like that for balance, probably could have made the lines a bit thicker but I manage to do my sig slightly different every time even though I use the same brush for all of them XD

Thanks for pointing out that blot, seems I missed a bit when cleaning up lines! (and I had a chuckle at the arrows making DAMN CERTAIN I wouldn't miss it this time XD) So after cleaning up I tried out longer grass (the truncated grassline in the initial one was a deliberate design decision, why I made that particular decision is beyond me, I just draw what's in my head at the time) which then needed to be moved slightly lower and while I was about it I decided to pop in the purple butterfly having a quick rest on the blade of grass instead of the blue flower before going off the play with upgoat again.

Think this one is keeper XD Thanks ^_^


ps - 8yo can get very philophical at times. Lucky for me we're having a bit of a break from that now XD

Oh shoot, you misunderstood. I meant the "Fyn" sig not the whole comment signature. Sorry for the confusion! I meant your name should be larger so it can be better seen :D

I was surprised by the purple butterfly haha! It was a nice touch! I did notice that before I read the change.

I knew what you meant, I don't want to make that larger either, it'll thingi the balance (like I know what I'm on about! XD).

My youngest is mad on deadly and horrible histories too. She 14 now though! She also does gymnastics. I'm struggling to motivate her much in her homeschooling at the moment. I think the constant growth spurts and hormones have something to do with that. My oldest is 16 and missing her friends, who keep moving away now. I'm a bit at a loss as to how she can connect with more people her own age without us having to travel a lot. She used to do rhythmic gymnastics, but has quit that now.

Anyway, lovely to meet you. I spotted your name and comment on this homeschooling post over at the discord team aus chat. I really must say hi there instead of stalking from afar! Lol! Just haven't really had much chance and I'm off to hang the laundry out now...

Unless you are all quite literally sitting on the couch eating potato chips and watching terrible soap operas you're still probably learning "enough" even on your lazy days :)

And can still probably do some English on the terrible soap operas as I remember being made to watch terrible soap operas for English when I was in high school it was the most agonising assignment I was about ready to stab myself repeatedly to stop watching and get out of doing the assignment

Is everyone going bush? That seems to be one of the perils of unschooling in particular, a few years ago we lost half the homeschooling group we started with as they all shot off into the deep countryside to follow their self sufficient homesteading on giant acreage dreams :) Yeh I've found travelling a lot is an unfortunate side effect of homeschooling (well unfortunate for me as I haaaaaaaaaaaate driving XD).

Is 16yo old enough for a TAFE course or something maybe?

Likewise :D Had a quick look at your blog, you have a new follower XD Do drop in when you have time, I do understand the lack of time thing, I just live on my computer which is why I'm able to natter incessantly in there XD


Haha! Soap opera watching does sound like torture!

I think you've hit the nail on the head with everyone moving to the Bush! Their closest homeschooling friends moved to Tassie to homestead. My oldest is working part time and doing a uni entry maths course. She's enjoying the work, but is the youngest there so no outside connections with them.

So much fun times. Scitech is always fun

Re: Youtubing - why not both locations? I don't see that dtube has enough of a userbase currently, but can/will grow with steem, which is worth supporting, but YouTube still has a large userbase (including your kids) and can build a viewer base and possibly direct them to the preferred site and help with growing steem.

Re: Reading - Myst series (Miller & Wingrove) may be useful, or possibly May's Pliocene Epoch (starting with 'The Many-Coloured Land). Was sad to hear of her passing today. As usual I would also advise reading Feist and/or Wurts, though Feist is easier reading, and at least the main series is finished (at 33 books there's also a lot of reading to be had if the start is enjoyed).

Oh they could thoroughly do both if the inclination occurred to them. Cross posting is a bit of effort though and they can be lazier than me at times XD

Jeez Feist aaaargh sooooooo maaaaaaany books XD I think I gave up on him after a while (mostly due to lack of interest than so many books). Will have to see what we have, I don't even know what's on the bookshelf these days.


If I were in Perth still, I've got at least the first dozen, as well as the Empire saga that he wrote with Wurts. I think I've only read up to the 16th book or there abouts. Only stopped because I'd caught up with him (around book 10...) and it was easier to be distracted by reading a different author (May) than waiting for his books to come out and then arrange for my local library to get a copy of it. And I just haven't gone back and read any since.

Unlikely to in the near future given my current readings and 'unread' shelf. Currently: up to book 5 of Wurts, Alliance of Light (which is actually book 8 of the entire Saga...), book 4 of A Song of Ice and Fire, and over half way through Heston Blumenthal's Fantastical Feasts book. I have Carmody, Robinson, Wier, and Pratchett staring at me from my 'to read' shelf too

That's a lot of moggydeath; is it something in the water?

I had tossed around the idea of homeschooling. My youngest is Asperger's and a dozen other syndromes. At home she's fine, but at school she turns into teacher's nightmare. She basically stopped going to classes from around April this year - spends almost the whole day in learning support. Can't go into the yard at recess/lunch unsupervised because her behaviour is so unpredictable.

You'd think she'd jump at homeschooling, yeah? Nope. As terrifying and overwhelming as school is, she wants to be there because that's where other teens are; she doesn't want to kick around with her parents all day.

PS: Names don't have to follow usual spelling. BRPAE is perfectly acceptable :-P

That's a lot of moggydeath; is it something in the water?

Just old, they were 17 this year :)

At home she's fine, but at school she turns into teacher's nightmare

I think my youngest (adhd) would be likewise if he went to school. He's awful to deal with in crowds, becomes totally hyperactive, rude and very to completely unreasonable. He's much better in groups of 5 or less!

she wants to be there because that's where other teens are

If you ever do decide to look more into it, there will be other homeschooled teens around and no need to hang at home, go out and have fun XD

The handful of resources I glanced at spelled it Burpy. I thought his attempt was pretty good ;D

Sorry about all the little losses in your life @ryivhnn I know how much they meant to you. I hope things get a little less crazy and maybe a new little love can find its way to you when the time is right. Pets tend to teach us so much in life and in passing. Thinking bout cha, hope your keeping well.

Quite a mess on your hands for a second there. X)

Next cats will be cryptocats as I'll be steempowering them, however many posts and however long that takes :D (may have to supplement with fiat as I'm kind of aiming for early next year lol)

Naww thanks for thinking about me ^_^ we doing pretty well now :)

And yeh that was a mess, least I didn't have to clean it up for a change XD


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