December Homeschooling Miscellany

in #homeschooling7 years ago

Early in December we realised we hadn't been swimming for a while. After a hefty argument (JJ prefers swimming in fresh water, the bigs and I strongly prefer the beach and 8yo doesn't care as long as it's swimmable) we hit up Serpentine Falls with a friend and their kids.

The first thing we noticed was that the blackberry bushes had been cleared out and when we got there the top carpark closer to the falls was closed, though there were some cars in there (either ignoring the fact the gate was supposed to be shut or perhaps they were in there before it had been shut).

Apparently the water was freezing.

The cold got a bit much for @gorc after a while and he came and chilled warmed with me on the rocks.

The water temperature did not slow down the 8yo waterbaby in the slightest.

Both gymnastics clubs had end of year displays lined up, however @gorc piked out of the other one as he'd stopped enjoying the FreeG class due to accidental overcrowding (there's now a lot of classes for this year). We'd sat on the stage as we usually do (because everyone always wants to sit on the mezzanene floor for comps and badge tests so we usually don't) and then we ended up at the back so all we got were really long shots. I ummed and aahed a fair bit about including the video but have decided not to as they're a bit shaky and drifty due to JJ having had to hold his phone up the entire time.

I started the annual photobooks for the grandparents a little bit late (which resulted in my parents not getting theirs til after Christmas, oops), and @pixietrix decided that she was going to help me with it this year. After stalling for a little while trying to work out what to do with the photos, we worked out a system whereby I selected photos and threw them onto pages with some vague semblance of a theme and she did the decorating and embellishing.

This is how a gymnast uses a computer apparently.

Then there was the Book Incident.

After the hilariously terrifying shenanigans were over, I sent the photos to @gorc as he wanted to try identifying the spider using the upload image search. Google did a really good job identifying what was in the image, unfortunately it wasn't the answer we wanted. So @gorc resorted to oldschool keyword searching for an image and eventually identified the huntsman for what it was.

Another homeschooler organised a trip to the Pompeii exhibition. I inconveniently got sick on the day but JJ was able to take some leave and take the kids.

The Pompeii exhibition tickets included access to the Maritime Museum so they hit up the rest of that afterwards. JJ did not take as many photos as I might have.

We managed to slot in a beach trip and fish and chips with the outlaws before Christmas. The kids requested many photos and videos for their blogs but then never got around to actually writing up the beach trip. They had a lot of fun bodysurfing (and learning where the rips were) in the choppy water.

I was trusting enough of my allegedly waterproof phone case to take the phone into the water with me but not trusting enough to try underwater shots or let the phone get too wet so every time I got hit by a wave I would lift the phone up high or put it behind my head. At one point I accidentally took a photo while doing so.

Yep, that's an awesome shot of our stuff on the beach.

We went for a wander around Perth and found some of the giant Christmas decorations that had been put up as one of the city's Christmas activities, though I didn't get many shots as there were a lot of people roaming around and @shadowlioncub was more prone to wandering than usual that day. We then thought it might be fun to make some Christmas cards for steem. So @pixietrix drew up a steem logo and we headed over to the oval to do a photoshoot. Crankiness set in and the kids piked out of doing the actual work really, really quickly but did do the blog posts at least (located here, here and here). @gorc didn't like any of his shots from the photoshoot so ended up using a selfie he'd taken with my phone in Perth.

Just before we finished up the photoshoot for the day @gorc revealed that he could do handstand pushups.

This might embed in busy with luck

It was the outlaws' turn for Christmas this year so we headed on up to Jurien Bay for a couple of days. We hadn't even left our city before Little Fat Dog decided to climb onto the esky to see out the window better and ended up on my lap for the entire trip up.

Mother-in-law had decided to let the kids decorate the tree so that was waiting for them when we got there. Mother-in-law didn't take long to scurry off to do some errands, I decided to go along to help carry things so I left my phone with the kids to record their progress under the benign negligence of JJ and Father-in-law who were on the premises but doing other chores.

The bigs then helped their nanna in the kitchen and @gorc also assisted their pop outside with the weeds.

Christmas Day started as it usually does with opening presents. The church service in Jurien Bay seems to be later than the one on Christmas Island so it was all done before the grandparents toddled off to church, leaving us with the task of starting on preparations for Christmas lunch later. Before that though, more beach.

The water here is stunning. JJ reckons that the water was fine and it was just the fact that it was close to 40C that day that made the water feel like it had just flowed from directly around Antarctica, but the bigs and I thought it was just COLD. JJ and the small one didn't and once they'd acclimatised much quicker than the rest of us, they started heading towards the platform. @gorc eventually joined them and @pixietrix who took too long to acclimatise was terribly upset that she hadn't gotten to go with them. I then plunged ino the FREEZING WATER (I'd chickened out much earlier) to be able to take her but JJ and the boys were already heading back and warning us about stingers.

We eventually went back to the beach cottage for vinegar and showers and to prep for Christmas lunch. The Jurien Bay Fire Brigade was driving a Santa Claus around. The kids knew better than to trust random strangers handing out candy so waited for the okay before collecting the goods.

After a great Christmas lunch, there was backyard cricket, hanging out with family, brief rest periods and then Christmas dinner which was prettymuch leftovers from Christmas lunch plus a few extras and trifle and some berry thing for dessert (yes there were two desserts, and somehow everyone managed to fit a serve of each in).

We were heading home Boxing Day which meant kids and dogs were taken to the beach to get worn out for the drive home. JJ and his sister took the kids to the jetty while I walked the dogs from the beach cottage.

Then walked back with @pixietrix in tow.

After we got home the Christmas presents that had been ordered online finally arrived, the kids got a floor mat to add to their gymnastics equipment (@pixietrix got a foam beam last Christmas or so but it's seen limited use now as she seems to need a beam that doesn't give so much when she's trying to do things) from my parents, and a bunch of sciencey stuff from me and JJ.

@shadowlioncub got quite a lot of use out of his snap electronics.

My only regret with that set is the speaker! He however is having a lot of fun experimenting and both following instructions (apparently he can do that sometimes!), modifying circuits he built from the instructions and attempting his own.

This post also appears on my blog.

The sbd amount from this post will be split between @gorc, @pixietrix and @shadowlioncub.

Thanks for looking! ^_^

If you want to natter I usually haunt the #teamaustralia channel on PAL, Be Awesome, and with the @steemartists on the server with the same name on Discord along with a bunch of awesome people :D


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Why was Cub referred to as 8yo at the start? Haha! Old habits die hard, don't they? Wow! Now this reads much better! If they made posts of the events more, these recaps would be more distilled since you would just need to link to most of them.

Fun fact for JJ, there are way more harmful bacteria in fresh water compared to salt water #VitaminSEAWillSetYouFree

@gorc can do a handstand pushup!? :O Even in my most fit body, I wasn't able to do that. That's super impressive!

What's that being held in the hand shot? Ice? If I have to pick a favorite photo, I would have to go with this one though:

Looks like you guys had a fun end to last year! Here's hoping January was even more eventful :D

Because I write it on my blog first (often over a period of days or weeks) and then I copy it to here after I've published it there, and they're still referred to by age on my blog, I only link here because they have accounts here, and I missed changing that one because I always miss something XD

I use these recaps for the moderator so I can't distil them down too much. Their additions would count as "proof of learning" if they would actually bloody well do it XD

JJ doesn't mind the sea, just prefers fresh water as he feels sticky after drying off from the salt water. I don't have that but apparently it's a thing :)

I have no idea how he does it! And it seems the video didn't embed in any of them aargh I should probably fix that so annoying (I'd much rather they fixed it though XD)

The thing being held in the hand is a stinger. It's a jellyfish and I don't know if that's its official name or just what people call it XD

January was slightly less eventful, I'll be doing that post pretty soon seeing as it's nearly the end x_x


Proof of Learning! I like that. Shows accountability. You should route their allowance strictly through STEEM so they would post more.

I definitely know that sticky feeling, but that's why I prefer salt water haha!

How is he/she holding a jellfish stinger without being stung?? I feel like someone should've peed on the palm haha!

I don't even give them allowance, they have to earn everything, I'm a horrible parent XD My mother in law keeps giving them pocket money though and my parents totally spoil them every time they come to visit (in fairness to my parents they only see the kids once a year or so).

It's the small one and he's always getting into things like that. I think jellyfish have to fire the stingers and I don't think that one is, entirely possible it might also be dead but I recall it getting put back in the water so maybe it was just brought out temporarily for study.


That's what I plan to do with my kids. Make them earn their keep to avoid that feeling of entitlement. Thanks for setting a precedent, mate.

I'm glad it wasn't actively firing when he held it. That could've gone totally differently.

Be prepared for the grandparents undermining you constantly ;D They (usually!) don't mean to and may not even realise they're doing it (even after you explain it to them every which way), they just love their perfect little grandkids so much! XD (but they get there eventually, consistency etc ;D)

He'd already been stung by a few of them, they're not bluebottles so they won't kill you in a heartbeat. They just sting a bit :) He was crying when JJ towed him in when the first one/s got him but after he got to hold one he was all right :)


They're already undermining us with the wedding preps now! Well, the female one at least haha!

I'm glad that the Cub is fine. I wonder how old he is when he stops curiously picking up things.

Probably never.

He didn't even pick that one up, it's just the perils of swimming around here, sometimes there's stingers, and you have to watch out :)


That was a mammoth update! Sounds like you were pretty busy over Christmas.

We got my youngest a second hand beam and mat just before Christmas. It's taken some coaxing to get her practising her aerials on it though. (just had to laugh because 'aerials' got autocorrected to 'asteroids'!) Also, that gymnast at the computer photo looks familiar! Lol!

We're always busy over Christmas! I've started taking November-January "off" (as in I don't deliberately go out of my way with the "educational opportunities" but I still blog about them kind of for the moderator seeing as we only vaguely follow school terms because we need to know for extracurricular activities) but seem to still manage to cram in a fair amount of stuff XD

LoL the aerial autocorrection! And I knew you'd understand the gymnast at the computer XD Unfortunately pixie can't practise aerials here as we only have hard surfaces and the mat slips a little. When my mother (who bought the mat for them) saw it she told me off as I'd asked her to get the smaller one (was worried about the length of it plus the smaller one is cheaper), saying she should have gotten the bigger one. Told her next time maybe XD


I know what you mean about moving mats! We had those foam interlocking jigsaw mats for ages. Easier to take them to the oval.

Yeh we have parks nearby that we would hit up frequently (or sometimes they would even go by themselves depending on the day and who else was over). We were eyeing off the jigsaw mats for a while (because cheaper) but had a slight storage problem (still do actually) but the mat we have now folds up nicely and sits in a corner behaving itself when not in use XD


That is one huge Huntsman!
I think I like the beach better too! Wouldn't it be less cold than the freshwater pool as well?

Yeh it was kinda big XD

It's always cold when you're first trying to get in regardless XD I haven't found fresh water to be any colder than sea water (assuming I can get in at all!) but there's nothing scientific about my testing!


I blame the presence of the Stephen King book for the spider showing up. PLOT TWIST: the spider prefers Shakespeare.

Great photos, looks like a great time was had.

We have Shakespeare as well, it's on the other bookshelf.


[now does not want to look at the other bookshelf]

Thanks :) We try to have a great time as much as possible ;D


We need a new plot twist, quick.

OMG SUCH A GORGEOUS POST * ___ * I love all the photos and your story and the captions <3 .... THE BOOK INCIDENT seems really scary XD


I really enjoyed reading that, thanks muchly, ryry <3

Yeh we're laughing about it now but it wasn't much fun at the time ;D Thanks!


Looks like it was a lot of fun!!!! It appears that the Huntsman is darkly plotting something sinister!

Yep it was a pretty fun month, and also a bit full on at times XD Entirely possible, though I think (hope!) it just came inside because it was hot outside XD (unfortunately I kicked it right back out again, poor thing)


That is beautiful, it is good to have fun

Thank you, yes it is :)


I like it.
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Glad you liked it. We can usually guess that you're new from the reputation number (everyone starts with 25). Welcome to steem and hope you have a good time here :)


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