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RE: Dealing With Opposition When You Start Home Educating.

in #homeschooling5 years ago

Keep up the good work! I taught my 2 children at home and when it came time for them to go to University, the Universities were thrilled to accept them.

We did testing every couple of years, but I wasn't testing my children as much as I was testing myself. Were there areas where we needed to focus on more? I always had a little doubt in the back of my mind, are we learning enough? Did I miss something? We hired a tutor a couple of times, once for Algebra and twice for High School writing skills. I wanted to ensure they had the skills necessary when they did go off to University. I did not need to worry. My children graduated with honors and both have a love of learning that continues with them today, and yes, they both have far exceeded me academically.

The idea that always seems to come up " How will they be socialized?" We had so many extra curricular events that we participated in. Just to name a few: pottery, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, piano, choir, soccer, chess club, basket weaving, many events thru 4-H and church activities. My daughter wanted to play tennis, so she started a tennis club at the park. We helped at the summer kids program at the local library. There are a-lot of learning and volunteering opportunities out there if you look for them.

Enjoy the time with your children! Best wishes :)


The socialising argument always made me laugh. Maybe there's an imagine that you shut your children in the house and never let them out, if you home school.

There's always that second guessing of yourself as well, isn't there? It probably doesn't help that "standards" have been created by the schooling system that should be met by certain ages. Yet most of the schooling system fails to meet those standards while as homeschooling parents we feel we are failing if we don't meet them. Like you, I have found tests useful to see what areas to work on, however.

My eldest has just started uni. She's very academically inclined, so she's enjoying the challenge. My youngest is more hands on, a right brain learner as I'm just finding out.

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