Homeschooling | When Wednesday becomes wEnglishday

in #homeschooling6 years ago (edited)


We are so excited that our little two year old daughter is learning so fast

She is not at the age of going to school, and even if she were, we are most likely deciding on homeschooling her. But first we still have to research all the information that I can find about how we have to apply for this here, as the whole thing is still new to us. But of course there is nothing wrong with trying things out to see if we think this will work in the future for her (and me as I am the one that will be homeschooling her).
Our little girl is so eager to learn and constantly repeating the words she is learning, or already knows. Her pronunciation is improving rapidly.

Our daughter did not grow up in Holland

She is Dutch, but we moved from Holland to Spain when she was only three months old. So she was not surrounded by Dutch speaking people all of her two years on this planet. We had some Dutch friends in Spain, that spoke Dutch to her, but she mostly heard the Spanish language while being outside in the town we lived in. And Spanish people are really friendly to children, they love them. So every time we would go to the supermarket or have a drink somewhere, there would be people speaking Spanish to her. And she actually seemed to be understanding what those people were telling her. By the time we left Spain she was about one and a half years old, and we did not master the language fluently, but had improved a lot since we arrived. (At our arrival we both barely spoke three words lol).
During our stay in Spain we were trying to improve our own language skills too, and we tried to practice many sentences and words in Spanish as well.

Next to the Dutch language and practicing the Spanish language, we also spoke English to her

Because both of us like the English language much better than we like Dutch, and we thought it would be good for her to learn as much English as possible at this young age, as this will only benefit her in the future. We did not really think she picked up a lot English due to us, but after we left from Spain to Hungary, I was surprised that she waved goodbye to everyone all of the sudden and saying: "Bye!!" along with the waving.
She also can say it in Dutch, but she said it in English first... We decided we should work with the fact that she is eager to learn, so we practice words in two or sometimes (if we also know the words in Spanish) three languages.


Suddenly my boyfriend came up with a great idea

Let's take one day a week that we only speak English to each other. She understands and responds anyway when we talk in English. So let's make it a day of the week to focus on teaching her English.

And so we decided the Wednesdays would be wEnglishdays from now on...

I am preparing to search for pictures with English words to show her, and practice the pronunciation with her when wEnglishdays arrives this week. And actually I'm pretty excited that our little girl has come to the age that she is constantly repeating the words she knows or hears a lot, and then proudly claps her hands when we tell her she said it correctly.
Proud mommy and daddy! I feel like here in Budapest there is so much to see and therefore also a lot of fun ways to teach her things, so I see lots of potential for us to learn things in a very playful way. It will be something to get used to in the beginning for me and her father, but I am convinced it will be a lot of fun!

After we have made some progress, I will post an update how we are spending are wEnglishdays... If you are homeschooling your child at the same age as our daughter, and have some fun tips for us, please don't hesitate to leave a comment, as I am very open for suggestions! So feedback is very much appreciated from homeschooling parents!





awe.. great story! My antie also lived in spain but her father spoke english, and her mum was french.. At age 6 she spoke three languages absolutely fluently.. she would even swap between them in one conversation without any effort.. what a gift! there is no better time to do this when they are this young.. very nice anouk.nox!!!

My granddaughter who is 5, speaks 3 languages, Spanish, English and French. My son speaks only English to her and her mother, Spanish. French lessons are every day. When they are young they pick up languages much faster than we do.

Exactly our idea :) And we already got feedback from the Spanish wife of our Dutch friend (still with me lol) in Spain back then. Because she speaks Spanish to their daughter, and he speaks Dutch to her, but she is a bit older than our daughter and speaks them both fluently. She told us that when she speaks Spanish to our daughter (when we lived there so it's been a while now) she really sees she understands her. It's indeed much easier to learn now than in some years, so why not make it a fun day to practice these things.. Later on I may even consider doing this with Spanish too.

What are the chances that if we all speak three different languages around our two-year-old, that eventually he will learn all of them on his own? Still trying to understand how the brain works when it comes to learning multiple languages from birth :D

It's something I'm definately willing to try and see.. It would be pretty cool, right?

Never stop learning.

Good luck with the multiple languages! We have English as our main language at home (we are both Australian), but when our daughters have their friends home, it becomes a Dutch free for all! Sadly, I'm the one left behind....

Lol, you should come and chat in our discord more often then I guess :) Because we're Alldutch ;) practice makes perfect!

Ja, ik heb een keer het Discord al probeerde, maar hij gaat veel te snel! Ik ben op het Discord, maar alleen als een lurker!

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