Top 5 Benefits of Homeschooling and Running a Home-Based Business

in #homeschooling7 years ago (edited)

Being a mom, a businesswoman, and a wife every day seem scary and intimidating. There is too little time for all of your priorities whether it is about taking care of your partner, a managing the business and being a hands-on mom for the children. With this dilemma, operating a home-based business has become a trend and a desirable option for many people, mostly for moms like us. But how can moms like us survive while juggling three roles for the rest of our lives?

My dear friend, one solution can solve such problem, and that is running a home-based business and to opt for homeschooling. Undeniably, most families who opted for homeschooling of the children are on a tight budget, and nothing is wrong about that. With the constant inflation, tuition hikes, increasing demands, and limited resources, most families are depending on one source of income. Consequently, parents or single parents decided to educate their children themselves at home.

Is it possible to home school your children AND smoothly manage a home business? Yes but with disciplined effort! I can assure you that there is no reason why you cannot do both. I believe that home-based business operations have positively affected homeschooling practice and that family members can benefit from such.

What are the benefits for moms who run a home-based business while homeschooling the children? For us, here are the top five perks of running a home-based business while homeschooling your kids.

Value of Work and Self-worth

As much as we love to stay as housewives and take care of the children, we cannot deny that we daydream of scenarios of being at work where we can prove that we still have what it takes to be a career woman. Although being a stay-at-home is indeed challenging, we feel the thirst to look for challenges and opportunities to keep learning that involves customers, clients, and our skills. Not to mention, that amazing feeling of earning some extra cash to treat our husbands on dates, being able to buy that designer bag on your own, and contribute to the family needs is priceless.

No Need to Sacrifice Family Time

Let’s face it, as much as we like to strut again that pencil skirt, blazer and clicking stilettos, most of us want to stay at home with your kids. A home-based business is the greatest solution for that reason unless of course, you have to leave your “home office” for appointments, parties, or client meet-ups. But let’s be honest, with running your business at home, you get the best of both worlds and you can avoid the feeling of guilt leaving the children and household chores at home.

Freedom, Flexibility, and Assurance

Because you work at home, you can freely arrange your schedule and availability to run family errands and pamper yourself. There is no need for you to file a leave a week earlier and ask your scary boss to take the day off.

As you home school the children, you can manage business hours and schooling hours. Say goodbye to early morning panics of sending them to school and fetching them back. Most importantly, you can ensure that the children are learning and not being bullied.

A Healthier Family

When entrepreneurial moms and parents work from their own home, they can avoid less stress compared to working in an office environment which can greatly improve their health. Not to mention, they also avoid traffic getting into the office.

Most importantly, when moms are at home, they can prepare healthful meals for themselves and for the family instead of grabbing fast food or snacks from the vending machine. Also, moms do not have to worry about flu season since they with their children can protect themselves from sickness and germs brought by co-workers or classmates.

First-hand Training For The Teens

Managing a home-based business while getting their education at home can the most wonderful experience for your kids. There is no better teaching method than by allowing them to be involved first-hand. Letting them acquire entrepreneurial skills, leadership skills, and maturity through your guidance is a rare opportunity they may never learn from any school or summer job in the community. These can be all possible by getting them into homeschooling.

Also for practical reasons, exposing the teens to the reality of business and entrepreneurship would let them decided as early as possible whether to pursue a college education or not. Most of the time, teens who chose to attend college have not yet to decided what to pursue. If they realized within themselves to find a business they can enjoy, it could eliminate the need for college. This can save you and them much time, expenses and wasted efforts.

The benefits listed above may not have covered other perks of home-based businesses and homeschooling. Deciding to pursue a home-based business and opt for homeschooling is far different than managing the actualities of the two but as I said earlier, both are possible with disciplined efforts.

Deciding to start a home-based business without preparations, plans, and business goals would entail the business itself to become a failure. Do not decide to pursue it because it has become a trend. So how can you start a home-based business? Stay tuned to answer that question.

What's your experience on homeschooling? do you prefer it over classical schooling?
Leave a comment and up-votes are always appreciated.


I've been classically schooled, but it seems to me that homeschooled children are very polite and advanced in their cognitive skills - at least, the ones I have met. I would love to do homeschooling myself.

That's good to hear! Yes homeschooled children can develop more skills due to that we can observe the progress of our children and can focus on some certain parts to where our child could improve.
I'm glad that you'd like to do homeschooling as well! maybe soon we can share experiences :)

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