Wildflower’s Weekly Walkabout


Hey Friends! Every week (starting this term) I take my boys on an excursion somewhere...a day out and about to explore and then journal about when we get home (hooray!!🧐). I figure it gets us out of the house and learning about many different things and then they can practice handwriting, recall, and many other forms of language practice in their journals.

I thought that a weekly blog about our excursions would be a good chance to show off some of Adelaide and also to keep a visual journal of what we are up to 😊

So far we have been to the Living Kuarna Cultural Centre and to the Whale Centre.

Today we went to the Big Rocking Horse (mostly to see, pat and feed the animals).


For some reason I thought that it might be 40mins to get there but as soon as I typed it into google maps I realized we were in for a much longer day 😂 1hr 15mins to get there, plus a petrol stop (which included coffee) and one toilet stop! Not too bad with 4 kids!


Thankfully for me, the boys are used to car trips and even mr1 slept and didn’t complain 🤓 I packed plenty of food and the sun was shining. A glorious morning.


Upon entering, we asked to walk and not run, and to ‘not chase the animals’ 😂🤣😂🤣 My four boys of course followed these instructions explicitly 😳🤪

There were so many animals to look at and pat. We were warned that the goats try to steal any food and that the alpacas will bite. The cockies also like to bite fingers off and there were some birds strutting around with fearsome looking hooked beaks. I was a tad worried about the safety of my baby’s limbs and eyes but we made it out alive and intact.


Here is a girl gang I captured with my camera 👆


As you can see, there was a variety of Australian animals and introduced animals. The boys loved it all and it was a beautiful day out 🙌

We stopped at Melba’s Chocolate Factory on the way home and saw chocolate being made and packed....and may have sampled a couple of sweets along the way..... definitely worth a look if you’re in the area 😋

And so ends our day out. Week 3 of term 3 and our 3rd excursion.

Catch y’all next time for Wildflower’s Weekly Walkabout....


Peace out peeps✌️


Jessi and the gang.


I always love cruising up to random places in the Adelaide hills, will be looking forward to heading up there again this summer :D

Yes!! I’m just discovering it’s beauty! I miss Tassie a lot and the hills remind me a bit of it :)

Today would have been such a perfect day for this sort of a thing! The only thing that could have made it better would have been if it was actually a Friday!

Hehe yes it was perfect weather!!! And every weekday feels the same to me 😂 but there is always something exciting about Friday heading into the weekend...

Melba’s, drooool
Everyone looks so happy on your adventure, even the animals

Hehe it was a fun day out! And the animals were super photogenic because so used to people! No way I would have patted that emu though....the man patting it tried to convince me it wouldn’t bite but 🙅🏻‍♀️ 🙅🏻‍♀️🙅🏻‍♀️

oh yeah that immediately sounds like a trap haha! I know of the emu you speak of, he does go for it I tried once, never again.

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