Homeschoolers to be treated as child abusers?

in #homeschool7 years ago (edited)

A new bill in California has set its aim on treating homeschoolers as if they are child abusers. The bill proposes forcing parents that choose not to hand their children's vulnerable and undeveloped minds over to State school system be forced to visit with Child Protective Services or social workers to prove they are not abusive to their children. America is supposed to be a government by the people. More and more we see that the government operates as if it owns the people. This takes its most disturbing form when the government attempts to control our children. How can people claim to live in a "free country" when they are threatened with having their children taken away for not submitting them to the indoctrination centers that make up the American "education" system.

Have you seen what American schools and universities produce lately? Hordes of young minds "graduate" college unable to think, and unable to engage in intellectual or philosophical debate with those of different world views. Higher education can not take place in a "safe space" in which only one world view is presented. Simply put, education takes place when all different world views are discussed and presented, and indoctrination takes place when only one world view is presented. What do you think happens in State run "education" centers? Now the State is pushing back even harder against people who wish to provide an actual education of value to their children. How can children possibly succeed without 15 years of "Common Core".

Is it any surprise such a bill has been proposed in California? Look what happens to right leaning speakers who attempt to hold free speech forums at Berkley. They are met with the furor of indoctrinated Statists who don't understand the value of free speech and the danger of suppressing the speech of those who have different world views. The American education system has denied them a basic understanding of the principle of free speech, or of the historical context that demonstrates the danger of suppressing such speech.

Almost all totalitarian regimes make it a priority to take over the countries education system and mandate attendance. They do this with the Machiavellian understanding that controlling the minds of the masses is the key to maintaining power. Rulers don't have to fight off revolutions that the people do not pine for. Control of information has always been the key to power and authoritarianism. From the Hitler Youth in Germany, to state run education in the Soviet Union, education has always been used as indoctrination by those who wish to rule with an iron fist and suppress freedom, and individual liberty. Without the ability to think freely and individual liberty we are no different than slaves.

A recent study was designed to assist NASA in finding the most creative potential employees as possible.
The exam used was deemed by NASA as being a massive success and predictor of creativity. The exam/ study was then applied to children who entered the American education system. Just prior to entrance into the school system, a remarkable 98% or children scored high in imagination. Just five years later the longitudinal study found that when testing the same number of children there was a significant reduction in imagination. This trend continued and only 12% of "15 year olds tested high in Imagination. The results are undeniable. The American education system destroys creativity and creates "cookie cutter" children unable to think independently. What can be more abusive to a child than putting them in a state run education program that strips them of their creativity, imagination, and ability to think freely?


I literally watched this last week.

And it scares me, its crazy to think that the best way to protect your kids is to teach them yourself and the 'man' sees it as abuse.

An abuser is unlikely to take kindly to any efforts to interfere with their ability to abuse.

Hence this bill...

@tomanderson, thank you for your article

The video brings out some important points. My high school did try and get people to focus on the things that they want-even to the end of allowing students to adjust their course schedules to concentrate upon their passions.

I can also argue against schools taking a stance against using the internet for knowledge. My high school allowed the use of the internet when writing reports. It just didn't always happen. Computer labs didn't always have enough room for research, and not everyone had a computer in their home (I'm old).

I've never experienced homeschooling, but I've known parents that homeschooled their kids. I personally don't see anything wrong with it. I don't have an issue with the state's new requirements, with the exception, of course, to the fact that the country is requiring it. I never did trust a seemingly helpful law enforced by the gun.

I believe the homeschooling legislation was a knee-jerk reaction to child abuse. We should, of course, do everything we can to protect kids. I don't know that this is the correct way.

So scary! I homeschooled my sons all of the way through and think that it is the most amazing way to raise children. I hope that the bill gets squashed!

Thank you for devoting so much effort to your children. Every child who is rewarded with an education that promotes free thought; rather than indoctrination, betters the country as a whole. The last thing the government wants is a society of free thinkers.

This is the entire reason why the media pushed that story about the family with all the kids locked up- to prepare the way for this bill. California is a testing ground for new legislation. First they put into play mandatory vaccines for school.... that back fired when a huge percentage of parents pulled their kids from school and began to homeschool. now they have to address the massive increase in homeschooling, by using the same fear porn methods that they always use- create a massive wave of fear and outrage about a subject, then immediately introduce a law that answers it: hegelian dialectic


You are right on. People need to push back against mandatory vaccines and mandatory schooling before it is too late. Communist California seems to be the testing ground. We need to let people know that they are not alone in fighting back. If we stand up together, we will win.

Puff the magic dragon?
We as a nation have accepted a government which acts as if the people have no power, and somehow the people have come to accept their privacy and personal discretion as being inferior to that of government.
Those critical thinkers who,maintain imagination are maligned by the majority.

It is no mistake that the government is attacking home schoolers. The governments indoctrination program strips away the ability to use logic and think freely. Home schoolers are a major threat to the Deep States hold on political power in America.

These criminal politicians in California are ALL-IN on Agenda 21/30.

Just look at how they are also participants in all the nefarious climate engineering that is literally cooking and destroying large parts of the state. (I've recently written a piece about this - The Silent War: Weather Manipulation which extensively documents the implementation of this agenda.


Oh, and don't forget all the forced vaccinations along with the indoctrination agenda...

To me, it appears that Californians are sheep led to the slaughter. Just a handful of citizens seem to care about either of these issues, let alone be even aware of them.

Sad indeed.

I am glad you mentioned Agenda 21/30. You are right that forced schooling, vaccinations are all part of it. There are three choices in this world, to be a wolf, a sheep, or a Shepard. If enough of us are not Shepards the sheep will allow the wolves to surround us.

Thanks for the link to the NASA study. It's kind of ironic when one government organization gets results that condemn the work of another government organization.

California is basically claiming that home schooling is similar to, or a form of child abuse. Yet I would venture to guess that most people do not feel they received value from their government "education". The evidence suggests that government "education" actually stifles creativity and harms self esteem. How could it not. School social workers advocate for the drugging of any children who do not comply.

Now following your work my friend!

This is a battle fought on a constant basis in many states. It is incredibly sad that the government even gets a say. My children are more well rounded individuals than many other children I've come in contact with. It's really sad to me when I speak to a parent that doesn't homeschool and they list off the reasons why not, I just feel sorry for them and their children that they are missing out on so much.

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